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Draco's POV

"I'm.. I'm crazy

,I'm crazy,

I'm crazy.....

I can't breathe.

Where am I?"

  I feel nothing. It feels great. I see somebody but I can't recognize their face. Or mine. Or anybody's.

"I'm crazy."

You are crazy. You're truly mad.

"I am c-..".

My hand soflty grabs my hair. I'm blonde and I wear some black clothes, why are they covered in mud? What's this fucking smell of  blood?

I'm trying to get up but I can't. My left hand is holding a strange stick. My whole body is shaking, and I feel the cold that is numbing my pain. I am used to this pain, I'm almost enjoy it.


No, I have to calm down. I'm just crazy and weak.

"We need to drag him."

"Lucius,we can't. He's just a boy. He needs help and there's blood all over him. I can't let you hurt him anymore".


You are aware that he's going to act like a muggle now? Do you think I want to lose my son?"


/Shut up/

I'm taking him to St Mungos".

"Go then, he's so weak. He doesn't deserve the privilege to be a death eater."

"You're right" the woman says calmly. "He's more better than a death eater".

And with that , everything went blurry. I've seen colors in black and screams in the silence. Am I crazy?
Am I somebody?

-8:00 PM-

   My head is burning but I like that, because I feel it and the numb won't go away already. I can't remember anything.

   A slightly noise  surrounds the room that is blinding my with the powerful color of white. I open my eyes slowly and I see a skinny woman grabing my hand gently. She's crying and her tears are falling slowly on my pillow.


/Draco?/'re finally awake."she tries to calm down and then she looks confident in my eyes.

"You're father was send to Azkaban. The Dark Lord is gone now, you are safed. You were too young..I'm sorry."

What the fuck is she talking about.

"But you don't even know who I am..." her voice cracked.

Sadness is drowns me in the dark, I hate seeing her crying. Her hand is holdin mine so thight, and I feel secure with her, she seems really nice.

"I'm your mother"she smiles.

"W-ho.. a-m I?" I try to speak , hoping she could hear me. My voice is strange my everything is strange.

"Oh dear..."

She didn't respond.. it was like someone was holding her back, or something. Curiosity is an illness.

"You were cursed, with the Obliviate spell. "

A spell? Isn't that for magic? That's childish of her, I wasn't expecting that. I try to move, again and again but my body doesn't listen to me.


  After some time, a doctor came to see me and she started asking my all sort of questions.

"Mr. Malfoy, do you know who is Harry Potter?"

"What's a Potter?"

Everybody went silent. Is there something wrong? Besides me, of course.

"Can you stop fucking asking me shit and tell me what happend to me? ". I look around desperately. My mother's gone.

"At least , he, for sure is a Malfoy."

"What do your bloody words mean?".

  Strange. He wasn't scared of me. Everybody but him. A boy with green sparkling eyes and messy soft hair.

"Brilliant, isn't it?"

"It truly is."

The guys were standing on some black chairs behind the doctor. The one with green eyes was talking to a ginger and a dark skined girl. There was also a ginger that looked like the other's sister and a tall guy next to her.

"He was obliviated? Harry , that's bloody amazing."


I want to hurt them. I'm not an animal, or something paranormal,am I ? Why are they looking at me that way?

Am I dreaming? Can't they shut up already?

But after almost 30 minutes they all were gone. Just the green eyed boy was still here.
He stood up and came near me , next to my bed . He look me with an emotionless expression on his face and said:

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter. And I hate you, you hate me too." And then he smiled.

Do I really hate him? Why?

"We're enemies. Let's keep it that way. *he stared at my wounds* Um... try not to die next time. Your wand... here *he gives me a stick and shyly smiles*. That's for magic. Good bye Malfoy, see you at Hogwarts."


He jumps a little, surely he wasn't expecting that.

"Potter"he says. "For you is Potter."

Potter. A really strange guy, Harry Potter.


So yeah, this was the first chapter. I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes, guys,my native laguage isn't English and I find it a little difficult to express feeling but yeah.. Anyways I hope you like the begining, please let me know if you do and take care~

Btw, Draco is so hot in black clothes but I think he looks better naked. So do Harry *heheh*

~thanks for reading~

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