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so Um hiiii. I missed you and drarry and this story. I want to create a new perspective of Draco's personality.


Two weeks later - Malfoy Manor 22:22

Hello again, my dear friend. I started to talk to you again. Do you see them too? The shadows? ...*Sigh* it is truly sad, I'm talking to an imaginary person. You don't think I'm going crazy, are you? Am I?

I stood here, in this house for 1 week, the atmosphere is so cold, every inch of my body is freezing. I hear the clock , I hear my mom , but every movement is feeling to my ears like a knife into my stomach. This noisy silence proofes me that I obviously do unreal things , or is that call supernatural? Magical, here we go. The strange feeling that you can do almost everything out of nothing is abnormal, is magical. Like his eyes.






And the magic disappears.

"Lumos" I say quietly as my hand is holding tight the wand. And then a stunning blurry light drowns me into this unrealistic world of wizards and beautiful witches. I've seen this light before but I just can't remember... Like 16 years were ripped apart and it is painful not to remember the cosy hug of your mum or where you belong, what kind of person you are. I guess I don't even have friends. Did they die, in that war everybody's talking about? Were the guys that visited me at St Mungos my friends?


Bloody Snape in my mom's dress, where did all the hate come from? I just whispered Harry's name. I mean Potter's.

~"and I hate you..."~

Righ, no way they are my friends. But then why were they there? I have so many questions. In my situation I question my entire life. Tell me I'm a murderer and I will believe you. They say I am...what they call a death eater. They put my father in Azkaban. The Minister of Magic is trying to kill my non-existent soul. Narc-.. My mother told me they have to choose between guilt and innocence. The Daily Profet is saying Harry Potter is one of the main judges. I'm stessing out.. If he hates me , I'll be considerated guilty before arriving there and I'll go mad in Azkaban. There's no big difference just that now I'm free. Yeah, free and desperate, lucky me haha...

Hey, you , my imaginary friend, what the bloody apple should I do?! Tell me, tell me, or I'm going to make you tell me... We'll go nuts together. Don't leave me alone, not you. Lame, you don't even have a name. I won't be able to remember it anyways. My head is full of darkness and hate. I can't stop the pain, the loneliness. So ,I promise you , it is my time to play God without permisson.

I stand up , my body is weak but my mind,oh my mind is full of thoughts and demons. What now? I go to the bathroom to wash my cold face with some hot water. So what's the plan? What am I going to do now? I don't know anything about me, maybe I am a murderer and I deserve to go to Azkaban. It's not fair to be stuck in a stanger's body. It's like I don't fit in.

Narcissa wouldn't tell me who I am , she just says:~"Don't worry Draco, you'll remember." But how long can I live without knowing about this body named Draco.

The darkness is filling evey corridor. I can't see anything...

"Lumos maxima".

Well done Draco, now the table is on fire. I forgot how to control my power, bloody apple!

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