No one knew. No one cared.

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'I torture you
Take my hand through the flames
I'm a slave to your games
I'm just a sucker for pain
I wanna chain you up
I wanna tie you down
I'm just a sucker for pain'


He wasn't sure it was real, the silhouette that stood there like a shadow from another universe, right in front of him. Hardly breathing, with his eyes wide open , he started punching himself like someone else was controlling his body. Hands were shaking ,pulling the blonde coloure out. The gold hair almost went white because of the stress. He took a deep breath like there was not enough room for air in his lungs and then started laughing. His attitude scared Hermione a little, his smile was so sharp on his face it looked horrifying.

The girl took his hand out of his hair, that was messy and helped him stand up. He was weak with his whole body trembling. Then, he started whispering things to himself like he tried communicate with someone but Hermione couldn't understand a single word. After his strange behaviour slowed down he looked at her and his mouth let out an evocative sound.

The sky was now gray, the clouds were haunting the sun like the paradise has come to an end. It was a fetching day.However, demons were playing around. Draco could feel it,he was terrified.

"It's so quiet here and I feel so cold... this house no longer feels like home
"his voice was cracking while murmuring those words."Tell me you're real. I don't know what would I do if I'm imagining a young lady sitting beside my bed now" his eyes were searching for something. His sempiternal light that lived in his eyes was faded like a ghost.

"I am ,I'm Harry's best mate, he asked me to help you. I'm glad you're here, like mentally here. You fainted a long time ago, tomorrow the minister of magic would wait for your presence at the law court. So I've been standing here for a little while and I thought about everything what you should say or not, when they ask you several stuff." she took a deep breath and continued. "I know you're confused with the wizard-magic-thing going on but you can't let them know that."

"Wait, who are you?"the headache was killing him, and the girl just talking was more annoying than the pain.

"Hermione. I've told you, Harry's friend. I'm here to help you."

"You want to help me? You're my friend?"his angelic voice made the dark blue curtains fly along with little raindrops like a symphony singing in the backround.

"I'm..." it was hard for her. Her marvelous mind couldn't let her lie. The boy deserved the truth, still now she had seen what the truth made out of him." Look, I'm your rival's friend".

"Then stop helping me,you witch".

She looked at him again, she made a serious face and then started laughing so hard she had to hold her belly. Her cheeks were red like the roses at the coffee shop and her smile was so lovely.

"We're gonna make baby steps, together. Alright? Firstly , that was funny, you always called me a mudblood and you made it sound like I was a frick but now you're throwing the word 'witch' out of your mouth like I'm some crazy girl".

Draco for sure didn't know what a 'mudblood' was and his facial expression was showing that. He liked the girl, he could see why the famous Harry Potter was around this girl, she was charming.

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