How to cry without tears.

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You were comforting and quiet
How did love become so violent?
Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me


(Author's POV)

Papers rustling, waves of voices at different levels of resonance, stubborn steps along the room, frustrated moving to the exit door or mute smiles replacing 'good work' and wide variety of hats covering the impassive faces, Harry could hear them all. He didn't move an inch, his hand was still in the air,up high , holding his wand.

He had to do something, to tell everyone the truth, they can't take Malfoy away. While thinking fastly and fighting the agitation wrapped around his heart and stomach , he jumped over the table, running as he never did before. He yelled until he reached the point of losing his stunning sound of his voice.

"NOOO, YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM!" the brunette grabbed harshly and tight Embronce's hand that was pulling roughly Draco's carbon black shirt. Surprised by the chosen one's action, by reflex, Sir Embronce took out his wand and pointed it at Harry.

"He was Obliviated, he doesn't remember anything because of the curse, it's not his fault... Sir, please, you have to listen, it's true. A-And thinking about him being a threat, he have always been and still he didn't do anything to hurt me or anyone, he would never do that, I know him." Harry spoke hurried with amazing amount of ardent, making every wizard around them petrify of surprisement.

"He would have told you how the rest of death eaters treated him if he wasn't in this crititical and perpetual self harming stage! He cried every single day. And you, all of you, instead of helping, you stole the single chance of having a bloody normal life!" his eyebrows united and his bony cheeks took the frail color of rose-pink. He inflamed the atmosphere, he dared to talk this way to his superiors. "Talk to the nurse at St. Mungos, know the situation before judging him. Also, look at him, he's almost fainting, he is hurt. He might die" the boy continued uninterrupted.

Malfoy was looking at the ground,still standing next to Harry, on the chair, speechless. Because of the accelerated way of speaking, the blonde moved back and front slightly and played with his shaking pale fingers , masking his anxiety. His salty warm tears dried on his face, mixing up with dark red blood. Why would Harry defend him? He never asked him to, on the contrary, he told him to stay silent. Yet, Draco felt blessed while hearing Harry's shiny elegant shoes closer and closer to him. Also, when he yelled, groaning, something inside him exploded with hope.

Sir Embronce let the wand slowly down, making sure Potter stood deathlike with his mouth closed. He told everybody except him, Potter ,the suspect and the guards wizards to take a break, winsomely, like he never intended to make Harry angry. Of course, they listened and even felt relieved for the opportunity of escaping this wicked place. Like an ant colony, faking they are actually busy, they left careless the situation in Embronce's dirty hands.

The brunette turned around, facing those sly hawk shaped like eyes of his superior fixed on him. He gulped and moved closer to Draco. Then, he touched his back gently avoiding the contact with his open wounds. If someone took a picture, they would see how Harry's arm arched like a mythical unbreakable shield.

"Harry, sit down so we can talk about this politely" Embronce said clearly. "I regret cutting out the part when we hear your opinion".

Refusing to spend time in vain, he partially listen to the older. He sat down on the floor with his back laying on Draco's legs. He was acting childish, he knew that and maybe that's exactly what he wanted to. It wasn't a business anymore, it became personal.

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