Baby don't hurt me. No more.

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And there's no remedy for memory Your face is like a melody,
It won't leave my head
Your soul is hunting me
And telling me
That everything is fine
But I wish I was dead


(Author's POV-two weeks later)

He bit his bottom lip, it was early in the morning. The smell of freshly cut grass surrounded everything around him. He felt good , ambitious, he was ready to win this game. Holding tightly his Nimbus , he took a step and rised his head. There was no clouds, just the graceful sun poking the pastel blue textile sky. Harry smiled widely , greeting the sun, as he did with every student this morning.

He got hit playfully in his back so he turned his attention on the fire haired girl, almost getting blind by her smile. As he looked at her , other players from gryffindor team came along pushing him while cheerfully laughing.

"Hey, guys? Let's bloody win this game!" Ron shouted ,running forward as a sign, they better did the same. So Harry held her hand and ran after him, fully enjoying the strong voice of the audience.

Everything was perfect, the chosen one couldn't be happier. It felt like the sun was shining just for him or like he drank a whole bottle of 'Felix Felicis'. He acknowledged every pair of eyes staring at him, filling his excitement even more.

After less than 10 minutes,the match had started. Slytherins kept being fierceful and rough and gryffindors kept making risky moves and decisions, showing , of course, their infinite amount of courage. Following everyone's expectations, Potter catched the golden snitch with his bare hands. However,it was the first time catching it this year so he had to celebrate.

The slytherin team used to be an uncontrollable intimidating one but it's power faded somehow away. After The Second Great Wizarding War, slytherins weren't so appreciated or feared as they were before. Freshmans started begging the magical hat, not to be put in slytherin house so they were obviously lacking new people.

Anyways, good news for Harry didn't end that morning. In contrary, they kept coming, making the young hero forget about his darkest fears. After lunch break, Hermione got a very important letter. How did they know? As her owl flew to her place this papyrus with diamond edges was carefully wrapped into a hand made laced braid. As her delicate hands touched it, she knew. It was the answer from the Ministry of Magic.

After Ron told them his idea, the war of other ideas began. All you could see around gryffindor's common room for more than a week were muggle books about brain. That's when she discovered:' The post-traumatic amnesia'. It is a state of confusion or memory loss that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury. And it wasn't just that, Draco couldn't remember because his memory loss was at the 'anterograde amnesia' stage.

The new information the trio gained continued by Hermione realizing the bond between 'Obliviate' and 'anterograde amnesia'.  The bond was actually a small fact about the way the memory loss appeared. An unrated and never seen fact that changed the boy's life: he had his brain injury, causing disororientation and unability to remember events after the injury, first. He got hit first and then Obliviated. The Obliviate curse made the amnesia effect reverse.

I know, it sounds complicated and the boys were confused when they heard Hermione's crazy ideas for the first time, too. So, they let her explain everything and do her job like no other can.

Obliviate (Drarry Lovestory)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя