First Encounter/Welcome!

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Hello my fellow nerds, geeks, dorks, etc! As some of you know, in my previous 'Adopted..' book, I asked for new YouTubers for the next book, along with the character names. Now, I've had a bit change of plans. This book is going to be from, well, your guys' point of view! Though I will still use some of the given character traits, the name will either be replaced by: (Y/N) ((Your name)) or Reader~Chan! Also, look out for: (F/C) ((Favorite Color)) (H/C) ((Hair Color)) (E/C) ((Eye Color)) (H/L) ((Hair Length)) (Y/W) ((Your Weight)) (Y/H) ((Your Height)) (F/A) ((Favorite Animal)) (C/N) ((Channel Name)) and (U/N) ((Username))! Hope you enjoy! tchao! (That's ciao in french! XP)


I was cornered, "You aren't escaping this time (Y/N)," snarled my middle school's bully, Adriana. ((Sorry if that's your name!)) Her and her minions began closing in, I felt anger running through by veins wanting to be let out in an innumerable amount of punches, but I learned my lesson last time I tried to fight back. "One more incident like this, and you'll be expelled young lady!" I remember the consular at my school threatening me after last weeks 'indecent' of me beating up Adriana and her 'friends'. I fully snap back to reality when I feel a hard kick in my stomach, then laughs from my attackers, and they don't stop until I'm curled up on the ground crying, I feel one more hardy kick and then I taste it, blood, the girls begin to start laughing, but are stop by a distant voice, I couldn't make out who it was, but I could hear it, "Hey! Back off you brats!" I look up to see the petrified face of Adriana as the blood rushes from her face. "That's right, I got the whole thing on recording! So you better back off, before I make you!" The voice was getting closer, I could tell it was a man. Adriana presumes to run away, with her gang following in suit. My vision begins to blur as the man walks over to me. "Oi! You okay kid?" I nod a small 'No', then I feel myself being picked up and carried swiftly into the school. That is the last thing I remember. I awake to the sound of multiple voices, I look around and realize that I'm in the nurses office, I sit up, and feel a shooting pain from my stomach, I groan and clutch my abdomen. I get up, leaning on the wall for support, and walk towards the voices. When I walk into the room, everyone stops talking and looks at me, "(Y/N!)" cries Susan, my foster mom. She rushes over to me and helps me to a chair. I look up to see the worried faces of Susan, my school nurse and consular, every parent of Adriana's gang (including Adriana's), and a red haired man that I recognized from somewhere, but it was lost in my fuzzy thoughts. I also see an open computer with the video of me getting beat up. "I am so sorry (Y/N), I should've believed you." I hear the consular say. "I-it's alright" I say, I look up to the man who, I'm guessing, is the one who saved me. "Thank you." I squeeze out. He smiles, nods then I am guided to the back entrance into an ambulance to be taken to the hospital. It was finally over.


I sat on the bench in the park. I had been using the swing all day, for it was the only thing that interested my 9 year old mind, but other kids wanted to play on it so I got off and sat down. I look down to see a little baby looking up at me from his hands and knees. I giggle, "Hello there!" I pick him up and set him on my lap. "Do you have a Mommy and Daddy? Or are you an orphan like me?" I rhetorically ask the child, which earns me a small 'boop' on the nose from him. "Sorry about him, he likes to crawl off." I hear, I look beside me and see a woman sitting next to me with a kind smile. I smile back as I hand her the child. I look past her to see a man jogging towards us, when he reaches, a relieved look spreads across him face, "You found him! Good job Alesa!" the woman, Alesa, laughs. "You shouldn't be thanking me, you should be thanking this little one right here." She motions towards me and I give a big smile. "Well, thank you Miss ?" "(Y/N)." I reply, "Right, thank you Miss (Y/N). Say, where are your parents?" I feel a bit sad at this question, but I reply with a smile. "My parents? They're in Heaven!" They both look a little taken aback by my answer. "Mrs. Sally's Orphanage kids, time to go home!" I hear Sister Sue ((Yea, I did that.)) call, "Oh! I have to go! Nice to meet you. Goodbye!" I say and run off to meet up with my peers, though I thought I wouldn't see those two nice people again, but I was wrong.


I storm away from my so called 'safe' foster home after another beating from my foster mom, after a night out drinking. If I had any foster siblings, I would've stayed but I was the only one she had, so I had no problem leaving. I walk until I reach the highway and put out a thumb. A car pulls over and a black haired man appears in the window, "Hello there! What is a child like you doing hitch-hiking?" "Let me come with you and I'll explain." He shrugs and lets me in. "Before you tell be why you're out here, let me ask you: Where are you looking to go?" he asks, "As far away from my foster mom as possible." I say without hesitation, hatred tinting my voice. His face expression changes to one of great surprise. "What makes her such a hated being?" He asks worried. "She hurt me, beat me. On multiple dates, sober and drunk." I say, shrinking back into the car seat. He hastily turns onto an exit, jerking me into the door. "What the heck?!" I exclaim, "What're you doing?! Where're we going?!" I hastily ask, "The police station, we're ending this." For once in a long time, I feel joy. Joy that my foster mom's tyranny will end, joy that I will finally be free, joy that someone might actually care.


I sat in the cafe, sipping my tea, when someone turned on the news. "Attention!" said the news reporter, "An English child as found her way to America and is described to have (E/C) eyes, (H/L) (H/C) hair, is (Y/H) and weighs (Y/W)! Please keep an eye for any pale, 12 year old child, that matches this description. Her foster parents are desperate for there sweet (Y/N) to be returned, and given a fair chance at a safe forever home!" Crap! I think, I thought they would leave me alone if I crossed a border, let alone an ocean! I flip my hood up and try go to leave the cafe. As I walk out, I run into a bearded man, with a gray striped beanie, who has the news pulled up on his phone, my hood knocks down and I apologize and try to hastily leave, but he grabs my arm, "Wait! You're (Y/N)!" Fear over comes my face as I yank away and run, making a scene that I had hoped to avoid. I slip into an ally way and hid until the commotion dies down. I take off my (F/C) hoodie and put on a black one to say hidden and leave the ally. Little to my thought, that I would cross that man's path again.

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