"Annnnnnnnnd......We're Recording!"

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"Hello everyone! Mithzan here, and today I am joined with the Amazing (Y/N), and the extremely unfortunate Shelby!" Max says with a chuckle. Shelby lets out an "Awe..." as Max starts the game: Golf With Friends. "Today we are, once again, playing on the Oasis level!" Shelby says, as her ball shot off onto the course. Max and I followed in suit. When Max finally made in into the hole, he was in last place and he was, "Slightly Irritated Maxwell" as Shubs called him. As the game continued, Max stayed in last place and was butt hurt, so much so that he just up and left the video leaving me and Shelby to sign off. "Well, I guess that's all so, until next time we appreciate your existence." "Byyyyyyye!"


Adam picked me up and, before hitting record he told the others, "Remember to keep it PG guys, we have (Y/N) with us today!" I smiled and he started recording. But, he started talking in a silly voice, in fact everyone did! "Hello! My name is BaconMan, and I'm here with PancakePal, and sadly HashBr-" "Whats with the silly voice Dada?" I asked, looking at him this caused all of them to breakdown in laughter, "BaconMan! Did you eat a tiny child?!" One of them said, who I soon recognized as Ross near the end of the sentence. "I-I don't know, maybe in crawled into my mouth-" Adam said before breaking down in laughter once more, I poked his cheek once more asking, "What's the silly voices for, dada?" He swallowed his laughter he told me, "Why don't you go sit with James for a little bit, okay?" He said normally. "Okay!" I said excitedly, rushing out of the room to James', knocking on the door before entering. "Hi James!" I said running to his side. For the rest of the day James and I used his 'Jelly-Bean Trap' to make sure everyone was doing their work!


Dan re-entered the room, with a mug filled with water, a white button-up shirt with a black tied, and a laptop. I laughed at his appearance as he gave me a glare and sat down, at the counter, where he had set up his camera. He hit record and began his "Internet Support Group". About the third or fourth message in, I decided to intervene. I walked over to his and flopped on his lap, causing his to stop mid-sentence. "(Y/N), what the hell?" "'Sup?" "Get off!" "Nah." He sighed and tried to push me off, emphasis on tried. He sighed and finished up the video, with me just chilling on his lap. After he stopped the recording, Phil burst out laughing as he finally flopped me off and walked away.

CinnamonToastKen and Jacksepticeye:

For this one, add your name to whoever you want to be your 'dad' and put a random name in the other. !Swearing!

"Ken you bastard!" Jack yelled into the microphone as Ken hung him on the hook, we were playing Dead By Daylight and Ken was the monster. I ran to Jack to try to free him, only to be hit down by Ken. "Mother trucker!" I yelled as I was hung next to Jack. "Losers!" (Y/N), Ken's kid, laughed as they rushed out the door. "God damn!" Cursed Ken as the game ended. Jack and I laughed has Ken raged and we all ended the video, and laughed as (Y/N) tried to get Ken to come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2016 ⏰

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