We Meet Again + JackABoy!

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Herro everyone! -w- As the title suggests, I'm adding JackSepticEye to the group! Now, to the stories!


I sat on the hospital bed, my phone in hand and my YouTube app open. I look in subscriptions and see that Sky, one of my favorite Youtuber, updated a new 'Do Not Laugh', with *le gasp* Mithzan! I click the video. Halfway through the video, Ross and Red make a joke about Max saving a girl, wait...I'm that girl! "Hey." I drop my phone when I heard a familiar masculine voice. I look up, Max. "S-so you are the one who saved me!" I exclaim to Max. "Heh. I wondered if you knew me." I smile as the nurse walks in. "Time for your surgery (Y/N)." My eye's widen. "Wait, surgery?!" Max exclaims. "Yes, her ribs fractured and impaled her upper lung." replies the nurse. I see Max's face redden with anger and I am wheeled out. Why does he care? I can't help but wonder as my vision blurs and I black out on the operating table.


I skipped down the sidewalk, heading home from school. I see a man walking towards me with his phone in front of him. He looks away and I can clearly see his face, he was the man from the park. He smiles when I get close enough to hear him, "Speak of the devil!" He says as I approach him, he kneels before me, angling his phone so we both appeared on the screen, he was filming. "This is (Y/N)! The little girl that helped Alesa and I find DJ baby Mason!" He says to the camera, I smile and nod. "Before I head back to the orphanage, may I know your name sir?" I ask as polite as possible, he smiles. "Of course, my name's Adam!" He happily says. I giggle at his enthusiasm, "Bye Mr. Adam! Nice to see you again!" I say, and I skip away. I see him wave goodbye as he pauses his phone. As I walk in, I find all my peers huddled together. I tilt my head as they clear a spot for me. We got a computer! I gasped and felt my face brighten, I couldn't wait to try it!


As we leave the police station, Dan, the man who helped me, looks at me with a smile. Not too long ago, a few policemen left to detain Beth, my foster mom, and she was going to be charged with child abuse. Until the trial ended, I was going to be staying with Dan! When we got in the car, he pulled out a black marker, "Hold still!" He says as he applies the marker the my face, when he's done I look in the flip down mirror, and see a cat nose and whiskers imprinted on me. "Wa- Oh my goodnes! You're Danisnotonfire!" He laughs at my sudden realization. "Now you figure it out!" He laughs as we pull away. I can't believe it! I was staying with Dan! Welp, my life just took a turn!


I walk down the street. I strayed from any light, but a singular person caught me off guard. I recognized him, this time he wore a bear hat. "Hey!" I tried to run, but he grabbed my arm. "Listen! I want to help you!" "No!" I yell "I won't go back! They hurt me!" I exclaim, causing a confused, yet serious, look to spread across the mans face. "What? Look, I won't hurt you, nor will I turn you in if you ancwer a few questions. Deal?" I think for a minute, before ancwering. "Deal." I cautiously follow the man to his home. I keepy hand close to my knife, in case I need it. Once we entered the brightly lit home, I relaxed, and started to fangirl, as I realized who I had come across. It was Ken!

JackSepticeEye: (PS this is the last adaptation to this book, sorry :/)

First Encounter-
Bounced in my seat, I was finally going home! Well, temporarily at least. I had been given a full scholarship for a foreign exchange program due to all my hard work at school. Though I was born in Ireland, I was sent to America because a family said they would adopt me. But, I ended up back in the system since, by the time I reached them, had had a child of their own and didn't want me anymore. "5 minutes till land, please proceed to pack your items and buckle up!" I hear over the speaker. I obliged. Those 5 minutes were the longest in my life! But, we landed and I was one of the first off the plane. I look around for my temporary 'family' I stop look when I see a man, his face hidden with a sloppy sign with '(Y/N)' across it. That's odd, the people said that our temporary caretakers would have a nice sign given to them, I shrugged it off and approached the man. "Hello sir! It's ni-" I stop when I see his face, there's no way he was my caretaker. I try to run, but he grabs me. I scream he slaps me, "Shut up, kid!" I knew this man, he was an escaped convict I saw on the news. "Hey! Let go of him!" I hear a heavy Irish accented voice, tinted with anger. A man with bright green hair appears from the crowed, with a neat sign in his hands. '(Y/N)' printed on the front. The convict walks faster, but security stops him and I am let go. I approach my real temporary 'dad'. "Thank you!" I exclaim he smiles and messes with my hair. "Don't mention it kid!" He says. He then worriedly looks around. "Hey, have you seen a (Y/N)?" He asks nervously. I smile and nod, then I grab his sign and hold it under my face. He laughs, though our joy is short lived when security pulls us away for questioning.
We Meet Again-
I answer all the questions honestly and I am let go. I find Sean, my temporary dad, talking to his phone, when approach him, he turns to me with a smile and says, "''Ere's the little devil now! Say 'ello to YouTube!" I take this opportunity to look intensely to the camra and say as flat as possible, "Hello YouTube." I lose it on 'Tube' and give way to the giggles, earn a laugh from Sean. He pauses the recording and motions for me to follow him. When we get in his car, I take his phone and start recording him driving. I say nothing until he looks over to me and says, " 'Ave you been recordin' me this entire time?!" I nod, laughing too much to speak. He pulls into his drive and takes the phone away from me. Laughing, we exit the car and head into the house. I had no idea what I was getting into.

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