Custody Rights

570 14 11

Warning, part is going to get real deep. So, be prepared for some dark stuff. Please don't read this if stuff like this bothers you. The events of this chapter will he lightly glossed over in the next, so you won't have to read this is you don't want to. Now, story-


"(Y/N)! Wake up and join the butt kingdom!" Following this, oddly voiced, statement, I feel myself being picked up, causing my eyes to snap open and a scream to escape my mouth. I look up to see a smiling Max laughing with a crown on. I am set down and a flower crown is set on my head. "Welcome to the Butt Kingdom!" Emma exclaims, handing my a plate with breakfast, which is suspiciously arranged like a butt. I laugh and take a seat, eating my 'butt kingdom' breakfast while a knock is heard on the apartment door. "Is this the residence of a sir a Max?" I look down the hall to see Max nervously knock his plastic crown and nod. "D-dad, why is s-she here?" I hear Emma's quivering voice say. I slowly get up and shuffle my feet towards the door. I peak around Max to see a very proper looking women. She looks down at me gives the fake-est, most forced smile I've ever seen. "Hello," she says, it's obvious she's straining to make her voice sound happy. "you must be (Y/N), I hope you don't mind coming with me." The forced sweetness in her voice is sickening. "Yes, I do mind." I spit back. If I could reach, I would slam the door in her face. "I-I'm sorry?" She says, obviously irritated. A thought crosses my mind causes me to smirk. "You know I'm not another little kid for you to manipulate, right? I have enough brains to realized what's going on here, and I'm not going to let you take me away from my new family and shove me back in the system just because a few papers aren't filled out." She is, undoubtedly, taken aback. "Can you understand that, sweetie?" Emphasizing my words with a sweetness as sickening as hers. She tries to hide her irritation, but she doesn't do it well. "Well, sweetie that isn't a choice you can make, you're only a chi-" "Don't you freaking dare say that it isn't my choice! I am so much happier here than I'll ever be in your idiotic system! I have seen Ma- my Dad working hours into the night on those freaking papers, so you better leave us the flip alone before I get the police involved!" I practically scream at the woman before reaching around Max to slam the door. I hear a sigh of relief from both, Ross and Emma. I look at Max, his pale completion standing out against his red hair and beard. He looks towards me, before inhaling deeply and bursting out laughing. I smile in relief at his reaction, and laugh along with him. Smiling, I pick up his crown and set it atop his heard, "WE ARE BUTT KNIGHTS!" I exclaim before running to stuff the reminder of my breakfast into my mouth and change. I know that wont be the last time we see the woman, but I'm happy that she's gone for a little while, at least.


"Gah~" I smile at Mason's baby-babble, I may not understand it, but it's silly to hear him try and speak. "(Y/N)!" I hear Adam call. I leave Mason with Alesa and head to the frount door, where Adam happened to be standing. "How would you like to come with me to work!" He says happily. My eye's light up and I begin to bounce. "Really!?" I ask. Adam nods and I race past him and out the door, right before I reach the car I feel myself be picked up. I look at my carrier and scream. His smile sends chills down my back. I try to scramble out of his grasp, but he holds onto me tighter, it hurts but I know he doesn't care. He's hurt me ever since I was little. I scream from pain, and fear. I fall, but I am caught and gently set on the ground, I look up to see an angry Michael, or Red. For as long as I've known Red (which isn't that long) I've never seen him angry, but he was infuriated. I look over and see Brandon on the ground holding his stomach. He moves to a sitting position and glares up at Red. Before he can get up, a policewoman forces his hands behind his back and cuffs him. As she brings him to his feet, she glances at me, I mouth a small 'Thank you' and look at over to see Adam running to me, phone in hand. He puts his phone in his pocket and picks me up. He hugs me and sets me atop the car. He goes to talk to one of the policemen while Red stays near me. Before Brandon is stuffed into the back of the police car. He shouts in Adam's general direction, "She's still my daughter! I'll get my custody! You'll see!" He is then shoved into the back and driven off. Adam nods the the officer and walks towards me. He hugs me and sets me into the car. The drive the the offices is tense, but after awhile the mood is lightened by a few jokes, which turn into gentle chatter. The conversation about what just happened can't be avoided forever, but it's going to be for now.


I don't know why, but my foster mom wants to go into court of custody for me. This is the third time she's tried to go to court for me. She even found me and tried to take me away from Dan at the supermarket. Her house has been taken off the 'Foster Homes' list and she isn't allowed to leave the state. The authorities said that Dan and I might have to go under witness protection, though I'm pretty sure the only protection we'll need is a few Phan (Dan x Phill) shippers and we'll be good to go. It really hurts though, that Beth would go through all this trouble just because she loves to hurt me. It's nice to know that Dan keeps me because he cares. But, I don't know how long I'll be able to stay here. Once this all blows over I'll, most likely be shoved back into the system for awhile. As much as I don't want to think about it I do, it haunts me 'Where will I go next?'


"Ken! Ken, get yo' lazy butt up! Someone's at the door!" I yell into Ken's ear he groans and groggily gets up. To ancwer the door. I go out of sight of the door so I can't be seen, but I can hear. "Excuse me." a deep male voice says "We have been informed that you are currently in custody of (Y/N) (L/N)." "I am, yes." Ken replies my heart drops. "Then why have you yet to turn her in to the authorities?" The man asks, "Because they were not happy at their previous residence." "And how do you know that?" "They told me. (Y/N), come out." I tremble as I step into sight of the man and Ken. "Is that true (Y/N)?" The man asks. I nod and look at him. He looks down, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. We will be back soon, so please be prepared." And with that, he left. Ken closed the door and walks back to the kitchen to make breakfast. We sit in awkward silence for a bit. Before heading back to sleep. The tension was gone when we awoke, and playful and silly chatter arouse in its place. The happiness has returned, for now.


We sat there, waiting. Watching. The clocked ticked by as we were questioned. Apparently, the man was my father. Normally, an orphan kid would be happy to meet their parents right? Not me, my family has a history of being shoved in a cell, asylum, or worse, the ground. Apparently my dad had just been realsed from a 5 year sentence on parole. He wasn't even supposed to be near me, let alone touch me. He was the last to be questioned. When he walk put, he tried to drag me with him. I slapped him and raced back to Sean's side. While Josh was detained, he smiled a horrific smirk at me and Jack and I left. That face haunted me the entire way back to Jack's house. No joke, no game, nothing could erase the beatings and scars and pain I was put though by Josh. Nothing.

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