Finding Home

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Hey guys! Yes I am back and ready for action! Also: ⚠WARNING this part will include swearing! Hope you enjoy! Salut!


I awoke to a gingered man facing away from me on the phone, I stayed still and quiet, so I could listen in on the conversation. "...fuck the paperwork! This girl needs a home and someone to take care of her!" I was surprised on how angry and quiet Max could be. I heard a shaky response of a woman, Susan. "I-I understand sir, but w-we need the paperwork to be done beforehand."
A highly accented voice speeds through the walls, it sounded...Turkish? (And yes Barney/John is Turkish. The mystery is solved!) "Lies! Rot the Sloth adopteded Emmas without papers works!" Then, a rush of footsteps move toward my room and the entire crew was in my door way! As excited to be able to meet all of the office, I stay still and look like I'm still asleep. I faintly hear Susan on the other end, " there is a way to adopt without paperwo-" "Why the fuck didn't you tell me then?!" A long pause brought a wave of tension into the room. During that time a girl who looked about my age walked over, I was getting anxious and started to shift. The girl walked over to me and sat down. "So your (Y/N)!" She's says in a sweet voice. I flutter my eyes open and see her face. She had long beautiful red hair, it was right on the line between something that looked natural, and something that looked dyed. Her bright blue eyes meet with my now fully open (E/C) ones. Her pale face light up as she saw I was awake. "Dad! Max! Everyone! She's up!" Everyone turn to me, I got nervous and sunk into the bed and pillows, each pair of eyes were like individual spotlights all facing me. I hear a muffled Susan, "I-is she up?" "Yep..." Max ancwers and hangs up. Everyone walks closer to me and the group splits down the middle, the light are surrounding me. "H-how do you feel, (Y/N)?" I hear a young curly haired brunette boy say, it must be Ross. "O-okay. Just a bit sore." I reply. "Good." The girl said, still seated besides me. A phone rings and Max pulls his out, a groans and leaves the room. Everyone else started chatting with me for a few minutes, we stopped when Max walked in beaming. "'Ey (Y/N) guess what?" I tilt my head, "Hm?" "Your coming back to the apartment with Ross, Emma, and I! You are now my daughter!" He exclaims. I feel my eye brighten.


After a couple days of observation I am free to go home with my new dad! As we ride in the car, I talk Emma. "So, what's it like in the offices?" I ask, curious to know what hecticness I should be prepared for. "It's not too bad, it's much better since everyone moved out. Opened up a ton of space!" I laugh as we pull into the apartment complex. I stare at the huge buildings in awe. We pull up and I grab my few things and head in. Emma shows me our room, since we were sharing one. I flopped onto the new bed. "Oh my gosh this is so comfy!" She laughs and plops on her own bed. We sit there for a long while chatting, when we're interrupted by Ross calling for dinner. I pounce to the door and race to the dining room, Ross and Max are setting the table. I laugh and say loudly, " Mithross!" Max gives me a death glare, I laugh it off and take a seat. I are smiling and laughing at the sometimes awkward conversation. The playful chatter came to a close when lights went out. That night, was the best nights sleep I've had in a long time.


We are all about to decide who got to play on the computer first, when Sister Sue called me to her office. I happily walked in, and to my surprise, there sat Mr. Adam smiling. A ton of paperwork sat on Sister Sue's desk. I smiled at Adam and took a seat. "Now, I have reached the understanding that you and Mr. Adam here have meet before." Sister Sue says, I nod and let her proceed. "Now, (Y/N), Mr. Adam would like to adopt you. He-" I cut her off with a squeal of joy, and I jump into Adam hugging him at tight as I can. Adam laughs and his back, Sister Sue laughs, "She doesn't need to know the complicated stuff, you may go." She says with a smile. Adam carries me out and I wave goodbye to all my peers. We drive for awhile, until we come upon a big, beautiful lake house. I run out and an greeted by Alesa and baby Mason. Adam walks behind me and everyone smile. We spent the day laughing and getting to know one and other.


We walked into the house and Dan showed me around. I smiled as he prepared a guest room for me. I sat on the bed and thought for a moment. "H-hey Dan?" I say, he turns to me, "Why did you decide to bring me here, most people would want to be bothered and would've left with the police, but you took me in. Why?" He laughs then his me, "Because I'm not normal!" He says in a happy light tone, I can't help but smile at his joyfulness. He leaves me to rest. I fall asleep not to long after arrival, and, for once, my dreams are not tormented with my, now ex-foster mom's torment. I slept happily that night. Dreamless and happy.


He face-palmed and I bounced with e excitement. He laugh and removed his bear cap. He showed me to the kitchen, or rather the phone. I start to realize that he is breaking his promise, I block the phone and he looks at me, "Dude, move I wanna order a pizza!" I tilt my head, "You can't order a pizza.... can you?" He chuckles at my lack of knowledge of American traditions. About fifteen minutes later, a knock is heard. Ken gets up and comes back with a large, delicious smelling box. He opens it and hands me a greasy slice of the triangle shaped food that is pizza. We chow down until the box it empty. We spent that night laughing and watching random shows and movies 'till we fell asleep. It was great.


When we arrived at Jack's house, he pulled out a camera and yelled, " Hello everybody! Yes, I am vlogging, and yes, this is a child behind me! So, as some of you know I signed up to take in a foreign exchange student, and I got 'em! Say hello to (Y/N)!" I smile and wave to the camera. He smiles a goofy grin and starts to introduce me to done friend of his, Septiceye Sam and Spider Loaf. I hug both of them before Jack outro twice, no three times as loud as hr introded and shut down the camera. We spent the rest of the day recording games together, and ask together being big ol' goofs!

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