Chapter 1

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*Start of Authors Note*

I know I said I would try and update every week, but I was sick all of last week and I was in and out of interviews all week this week. I will try and get better about updating every weekend! 

What Luke looks like in this story!

*End of Authors Note*

My morning routine is a bit different most people's. I still get up and do the usual stuff like shower, getting dress, eating breakfast, and just stuff like that. I just have a few extra, kind of unusual, step to my morning routine.

I set my alarm for slightly earlier then my parent's alarm, so they don't have a chance to wake me up and see what I wore to be last night. I get up at approximately 6:15, school being at 7:30, giving me plenty of time to get ready. I then make my way to my en suite bathroom, the benefits of being the only child that still lives at home, and go straight to my full-length mirror. Once there, I proceed to check myself in the mirror, not because I am vain or anything, I'm actually quire self-conscious, but because I like to see how cute I look in my pajamas.

I have three different styles of pajamas I like to wear, a four if you count the pajamas I have specifically for when I am not going to be alone for the night. That outfit is usually just a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, the rest of the outfits are really cute though. The first outfit is a pair of Victoria Secret pink sweatpants and a sports bra, weird I know, but I just like the way the sports bra foes with the sweats. The second outfit is usually one of my cute crop tops and a pair of short cottons shorts, in some type of soft pastel color. The last outfit, my favorite outfit really, consists of an over-sized band t-shirt and a pair of pretty boy shorts.

Today, that is what I woke up in. I had my favorite oversized Fall Out Boy t-shirt and my favorite pair of boyshorts. They're so cute because they are black and lacy on the sides while the rest is a pretty silk. These boyshorts are just so comfy while also being sexy and matching well with FOB shirt, plus, they look amazing with my skin tone.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a few moments longer, briefly loving how soft and cute I look right now. I soon after shook my head of those thoughts, feeling disgusted with myself because I shouldn't want to look so feminine. I should always aim to looks as masculine as I can, to look as manly as possible.

I quickly, but carefully, strip off the clothing and stash the items in an old duffle bag hidden in my closet, reminding myself to wash them later when my parents aren't around. I keep the dirty, pretty clothes in a blue Nike bag and the clean, pretty clothes in a black bag. It's a pretty good system because my parents refuse to go in my closet anymore after that one time my mom found a month old gym bag filled with sweaty gym cloths and shoes. I may have done that on purpose so I can secure a nice hiding place for my pretty clothes.

The rest of my routine is pretty normal. I get all nice a clean, making sure my hair looks just perfect, just because I want to look manly doesn't mean my hair can't look good. I get dressed in a pair of boxers, black skinny jeans, and a random t-shirt. I always have mixed feelings when I get dressed in the morning because one, I don't look cute and pretty, and two, I feel disgusted for wanting to look pretty. I again shook my head at myself and quickly made my way downstairs to grab a banana, say hello to both my parents, and make my way out the door with my back pack.

The walk to school is always nice and short, but still very relaxing. I'm only a ten minute walk from the school, so there really is not point in driving there. Walking always gives me a great chance to clear my head and think about things I don't normally allow myself to think of. Like how I just don't feel right in these clothes, how fit Ashton looks today, or how ruggedly handsome Michael looks. I can't help but think that about them, even though they are my best friends.

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