Chapter 4

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*Start of Author's Note*

Ok I am so sorry that it's been months since I've last updated. I have not given up on this story, I still have many ideas for this story. I've became full time at my job and it's been hard trying to find the motivation to come home and write after a 7-8 hour shift. But I'm going to try to start updating more on my days off. Again sorry for the long wait, but I hope you guys like this chapter.

*End of Author's Note*

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I screamed at Luke as I watched him leafing through my song book. I don't even know how he got a hold of the book since I didn't leave it out in the open or anything. I always keep it hidden under my mattress. 

I stomped right over and snatch the book away from him and then smack him across the face. "WHAT THE HELL CALUM?!" He yelled at me, holding a hand up against his reddening right cheek.

"That's what you get for going through things that aren't yours." I told him while putting my book in my closet, reminding myself to properly take care of it later.

"That is quite an over exaggeration for just a song book. By the way, you're very talented." He honestly told me.

I kept my back to him so that he wouldn't be able to see my reddening cheeks. "Just get the hell out of my room and let's go start on that project." I grumbled out as I grabbed his arm and practically yanked him out of my room, making sure to practically slam my door close.

He plopped down on the couch pulling out his requirements sheets for the project while I decided to take a spot on the floor next to my coffee table. I pull out everything for the project and dump it all over the table.

"Ok, so what do you want to work on first? Should we work on the papers first or the itinerary?" I asked him while going over the notes I took for the project again.

"If you want to get the project done as soon as possible, we should work on the itinerary together first and then work on the historical papers by ourselves later. We should come up with a plan first." Luke said as he pulled out his own notes from the class.

"What kind of plan are you talking about? The project is kind of straight forward isn't it?" I asked, confused by what he was saying.

"What I'm saying is that we have to come up with a week long vacation, where we have to do something every single day, all within a $25,000 budget, and we have roughly two weeks to do it in. So, I say that we should plan a day of activities every day this week, Saturday, take Sunday off to write our individual historical papers, and finish the last day on Monday. On Tuesday we can meet together and finalize everything and go over our individual papers. We can turn the project in Wednesday and then you will no longer be forced to hang out with me. Sound like a plan?" Luke explain as he pulled his laptop out of his bag.

I stared at him in shock for a few moments before replying to him. "Sure, s-sounds good."

"Hey, don't look so shocked! I know I'm incredibly good looking, but I can be smart to. Of course, not as smart as you cutie." Luke said to me with a shit-eating grin.

And the arsehole is back.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened up my own laptop. "Whatever Lucifer, let's just get started. You research two way flights to and from Italy and I'll research hotel room rates and some activities we would do once we arrived there."

"Make sure to research rooms with a  single bed. You know there is quite a few activities we can do in a single bed." Luke suggested with a cocky smirk.

I just let out a loud sigh, this is going to be one long project.


"So, I heard that you and Hemmings got paired up in a project together!" Ashton said as him and Michael approached me at my locker before school started the next morning.

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