Chapter 3

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*Start of Author's Note*

Sorry for such the long wait on this chapter. I had so much shit going on. One of my laptops broke and it still isn't fixed and we had to wait a long time for someone to take the security feature off my new laptop. Plus, I've started a new job, two out of three of my family's cars were in the shop, and my mom was in the ER for a little bit. It's just been a stressful few months and I just no motivation whenever I did have time to write. But I'm back now and I'm ready to start writing stories again.

Warning: Internalized Homophobia and Self Hate

*End of Author's Note*

All I want to do is go home and change into my favorite pink, cotton shorts and loose, grey crop top, but I can't because stupid Luke Hemmings is coming over almost as soon as I get home. I don't even want him over. All I want to do is take a nice, long bubble bath, change into my favorite outfit and just enjoy my only bit of down time until my parents get home. But I can't do that with that stupid f*ckboy coming over.

I've been in the stupid clothes for too long. I just want to wear my nice comfy, pretty clothes. Now I'm going to have to wait until I go to bed tonight before I can dress comfortably again because my parents will be home before Luke probably leaves. Why can't I just get a moment to relax without having to deal with stupid ignorant people?

I just know Luke is going to make me do a majority of the work. He just looks like he type of guy to pretend to work while actually making me do all of it. Sure he says something smart every now and then, but he's still going to make me do all the work, all while harassing me or telling me I'm doing something wrong.

Whatever, I'm just going to go home and take a quick shower before the tree comes over. I'm going to at least change into some sweats and cute, comfy underwear at least. It's not like he's going to be able to see what type of underwear I will be wearing under my sweats.

And practice was so freaking hard today. Coach made us run close to three miles today and then he made us do all the sprint exercises, then an ab workout, then some dribbling exercises, before finishing us off with some scrimmage games. I know Coach is pushing us because our first game is in two weeks, but he shouldn't be trying to kill all of us, especially me, is top player. Like, please try not bury me six feet under before the first game.

It's no wonder why I am so stinking tired and not wanting to deal with anyone. I didn't even stick around long enough to give Ashton and Michael a proper goodbye before bolting off that field. They understand though because we were all kinda dead beat tired and irritable, so it's OK.

I finally turned on the street my house is on and I was getting so excited to jump in that scolding hot shower. And I was just so ready to get just those few minutes of relaxation for Mucas comes over, but of course, the arsehole himself is sitting on the front porch as I pulled into the driveway.

It took every last bit of strength in me not to slam my head against the steering wheel.

I let out a loud groan as I grabbed my bag, jumped out of the car, and practically slamming my door shut, startling the stupid blonde. "I told you not to come over until 4:30! It's only," I paused to look at the time on my phone. "It's only 4:05!"

Luke raised his hands up in mock defense. "Sorry, my mom had somewhere else to be and wouldn't have been able to drop me off at 4:30."

"What? Can you not drive yourself or something? Don't you have a license or something?" I asked as I started to unlock my front door.

"Well not everyone's parents can afford to by them a car like yours can." Luke muttered, instantly making me feel so guilty.

"Luke, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just w-"

"Whatever, let's just get started on this project already." He said as he dropped all of his stuff onto one of the couches in my living room.

"Yeah, we'll get started in a minute. I just need to run up and shower real quick. I feel gross, probably smell gross too." I told him while scrunching up my face in disgust because I could really smell my own B.O. at the moment.

Luke sprawled out on the couch before giving me a smirk. "Hey, you still look really sexy to me. I was definitely right about your arse looking amazing in those soccer shorts. Now if only I can see you in those tight baseball pants, maybe even a pair of those tiny volleyball spandex those girls wear? Now that would be a sight for sore eyes." Luke said while licking his lips and just being plain creepy.

I gave him a look of disgust before shaking my head and started for the stairway. "You're really disgusting, you should be ashamed of yourself. Anyway, I'm going to go shower real quick. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. Get started on the project if you want, or don't, I really don't give a f*ck." I told him as I began to ascend the steps.

"Thanks babe! You are always so good to me!" He yelled up to me.

I just shook my head and muttered out a quick arsehole before making my way into my room. I quickly grabbed my favorite boyshorts, my only pair of guy sweat pants, and a oversized sweater before making my way into my adjoined shower and turning on the water so it can warm up.. 

I took my sweet time taking off my clothes, admiring the way I looked in the mirror. I was having one of my few narcissistic moments where I actually like how I look. Most of the time I hate how I look. I just feel like I look to boyish. It's not that I don't want to be a guy, because I do, but I just wished I was a little softer looking, maybe a little more feminine looking. I just hate how my body just screams masculinity, from the biggish biceps to my barely there six pack. My only saving graces are the slight curve of my hips and the fact that I have a pretty big, muscular arse.

I shook my head of all those thoughts as I jump into the hot water, feeling disgusted and outraged with myself for wanting to look more feminine. I wished I could be like other guys my age. I just want to want to wear guy clothes like every other guy. And I want to not want to look soft, but look manly like I am supposed to. And more then anything, I wished I didn't like guys. I want to like girls and want to have sex with girls and get married to a girl and have a kid with a girl like I am supposed to.

I had to try not to cry so hard while showering. I hated when I get into these kinda of moods because it's so hard to get out of them. I just wish I can either be normal sometimes or that I can just be completely comfortable with myself and not just hate on myself all the time.

As soon as I felt calm enough, I jumped out of the shower and started drying myself off. I avoided looking into the mirror as I got dressed, feeling slightly better after putting on my favorite panties. I quickly towel dried my hair before hanging it up and throwing my dirty clothes in my hamper.

I couldn't hear any noise from Luke downstairs, but I didn't think much of it as I entered my room. Wish I did though because I entered in on a sight I've never wanted to see.


What do you think Calum is yelling about? What would you guys like to see happen in the next chapter? 

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