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My name is Luna Luther, everyone thinks we are a perfect family, we are not, AT ALL. My dad is the worst person in the world. Right now im in my room. I am not on my bed crying like most people would. instead I am on a little bed right by my window crying, that normal right. I bet your wondering why im crying well I might as well tell you.

flash back

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDD." I called from my room, I waited for  10 minutes until  I sighed and  I got up and I went to my dads office, I was about to knock when I saw the door was opened a little. I peeked threw and I saw my dad were talking to some villains, wait villains probably warning them to stay away or something dumb like that, but then I hear him say " thank you manta, we will think about letting Kaldaur into the light," Then witch boy said "Yes, I agree with Luther, we will think about it." my dad  cancelled the video chat. I stepped in and said "Hey dad want to go grab some lunch, we could go to that new pizza place down the street hang ou-" he cut me off and said "No, im sorry Luna, but I have work to do and you didn't hear any of that did you?!?!?" I lied and said "Of course not why????"  He said "Oh no reason Luna, please leave now." I frowned and said "Ok, bye dad."  I left his office and I mumbled "what are you doing Luther." I went into my room and I sat at my mini bed near the window (In the picture above, well its the 1st part) and I hacked into his video chat thing, I scrolled down the list









I said "Oh my gosh, what have you done Luther." I printed  it and I knew that I couldn't stand by this I mean, I care for my dad but im not going to let him hurt other people. I called the police and I said "Hi, um I would like to report someone." The police officer said "Ok, .....lets get this over with who is it."  I was about to tell him when my phone shut off and I said "Oh no, Luther." I ran out of room only to find my dad there. He grabbed my wrist hard and he pulled me away and I said "Luther, Luther please you are hurting me, Dad." He pushed me into hid office and he yelled "WHY WOULD YOU TURN ME IN I AM YOUR FARTHER I RAISED YOU, I GIVE YOU FOOD." He says some other stuff, but I kept a straight face. He then punched me in the face and threw me into a wall and slammed my head into a wall multiple times. I got up and I saw that he was mad , but then he realized what he did and he said "Luna I." I ran away from him and ran into my room. I slammed the doors shut and I webbed the door shut so he couldn't get in even if he hacked the system. I cried for 30 minutes.

Flash back over.

I stopped crying when I heard Luther saying "L-Luna, please open the door, I need to make sure I didn't hurt you, I-im sorry please just let me." I cut him off and yelled "GO FUCK YOURSELF LUTHER." and I looked out the window and said "I am not staying here." I opened the window and I looked down to the city.  I closed the window and I went into my closet and I changed into a dark red tank top (With a bra by the way, I know, I know, I know TMI AUTHOR.) and I but on a black hoddie and some black jeans and I put on some black and red converse and I put my hood up. I opened my window and I still heard Luther calling my name. I climbed out my window and I climbed up the building super fast just in case someone saw me. I stopped near the top and I turned my body around so I was facing the city, I was too high for anyone to see me unless the looked at me for a long time. I put my hand like im about to do a back handspring and I flip onto the edge of the building and I sighed and I looked down at the city. I sighed and said "Why, why Luther, why would you work with the light." I put my head down and I let a couple tears fall. Then I heard something. I did a back hand spring and landed in a crouched position ( like spider man) and I saw the Young Justice team, the hood covered my face. Nightwing said "Who are you." I stood up and I put my hood down reviling my black eye. Nightwing said "Oh um well we are here to." I said "Go ahead and arrest my dad, I know he is with the light." I sat down on the side and looked down at the city and Robin said "How long have you known???" I said "About a hour or two, hey and do me a favor." I turned my head to look at them and said "punch the living shit outta him." I then stood up and Impulse said "Did he give you that black eye." I said "Yea and more, if it was my choice I would kick his ass than put him in prison, but go ahead." I stood up and I was about to back flip down to my room and I said "if you need me I will be in my room." I tried to do a back flip but in the middle of it someone cached me and It was Impulse and he yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING." I said "going to my room Idiot, I pointed to the open window and he said "Wait , how did you get up here??????" I said "I climbed, don't ask how." He dropped me and said "Oh well can you get us into the building. " I grinned and said "I can do more than that, I know where he is." I ran over to the door and I typed in the code and it opened. I ran down the halls and I paused and I saw that the other were egger to have a fight, but I said "Im going to web him down you all get his guards". He was right outside my room trying to hack my door.  I snickered and he opened it only to find my webbing holding it. I put my hands on the wall and Blue beetle said "What are you doing." I crawled up the wall and onto the roof and I was in a crouched position and I whispered "What I was born to do." I put my hair into a ponytail real quick  and I crawled over to right above some of his guards. I shot a web at my dad who was pushed into my door. The others stood there and I said "Great, idiots." I shot a web right in between where my feet are and I slid down it upside down (like in the 1st spider man movies) and I had my hood covering my face. Luther said "Luna, I command you release me now as your farther."  I webbed his mouth and said "You have No idea how long I have wanted to do that." The guards stood there shocked, I looked at the young justice team and said "Here take them away." I web slinged over to them. Night wing said "The young justice and justice league thank you." I say "No problem, just do me a favor and don't let him abusing me or me helping you catch him leak out to the public."  Impulse said "Why not." I said "Look, I don't want to go to an orphanage, so our little secret." Miss Martian said "If you don't mind me asking." I smiled and said "I never mind, go ahead." She said "How did you get your powers." I said "Oh, well when I was a newborn my dad put a special spider venom into my DNA, that makes me have special powers, like webbing, being able to climb walls, incredible flexibility, a sense that warns me when there are dangers and I have super human strength, when I say a certain word my skin turns super strong and small firearms cant penetrate it, but in that form I cant touch water and stuff and well that's it." Impulse said "that sounds so CRASH, can she join the team night wing, please, please." He ran over to Nightwing and got on his knees and begged. Nightwing looked at me and said "If I talk to batman about it, would you like to join." They all looked at me and I said "I would love to but I cant, with school and running the business I cant, im sorry I really do but I cant." Impulse said "That is so Mode, oh come one can you at least think about it." I said "I will think about it." I thought "I cant put my friends in danger, I have to keep my promise." They left and I left to go into my room. The window was still open. I sat down next to my window and I put some music on. I closed my window and blasted "Break up in a small town" by Sam Hut and I fell asleep like that, with the song on replay and the moon on my bruised face. ......................

.................But, what I didn't know is that someone was watching me, someone special, someone fast.  

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