hungry part 2

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Bart pov.

I finished my pancakes and I looked up at Luna. She was looking down at her phone. She then started to laugh. I moved closer to her and said "what's so funny??" She then said " There fan fiction about you." I said "WHAT." I grabbed her phone and I saw drawing of me without a shirt, me kissing Jamie. (Sorry I don't ship Blue beetle and impulse. A-N) I almost threw up, but then. I looked at one picture and I saw a picture of me and Luna in our super suits  and we were kissing. I blushed and she laughed and said "What is it." I showed it to her and she said "oh, um. never mind then." She blushed and I looked at the comments and like there were 28.9 k likes and 200 comments. I looked threw the comments and one said "I SHIP IT." the other said "#imdey forever." and one said "these two are so cute together."  and another one said "I wouldn't be surprised of these two had kids." I blushed and I gave her back her phone and the waitress came back and placed the check on the table. I went for the check, but Luna also went for it and our hands were on top of each other. mine was on top of hers and I said "I got the check." She said "No, I'm a billionaire I can get the check." I said "Well its rude for any lady to pay for breakfast." She then said "Bart, Move your hand." I said "Nope." She sighed and said "I'm not letting go." I said "nether am I." she then said "Fine. well just stay here until one of us gives up." I grinned and said  "I could do this all day." We looked at each other with the same look. not any look but "The look." we sat there for about 10 minutes. My glare softened and I thought "now's the time. ask her out." I then said "Um Luna. I-I was wondering I-if maybe y-you wanted t-t-to." she then said "Shit." and moved her hands. I said "Luna, are you ok." she looked at her hand and there was something black and gooey on her hand. she got a napkin and wiped her hand off.  She then said "what were you saying." I said "well um." I then heard my communicator go off. I put it up to my ear and I said "Bart here." Nightwing then said "Get your ass down here we need Luna's help with something." I looked over at Luna and said "I'll ask you later, but we need to go." I got up and I put some money down and I grabbed Luna's hand and dragged her out. When we were outside I picked her up bridal style and ran to the base. she said "Thanks for breakfast Bart." We got to base. I stopped and said "No problem." I then heard Nightwing say "LUNA."

Luna pov.

"LUNA." I looked over at Nightwing and he said "you guys can continue your date later, we have work to do." Bart then said "We weren't on a date." Nightwing chuckled and said "Then why are still holding her." Bart blushed and dropped me. I growled and said "What the shit Bart." He said "Sorry." I jumped up and said "Yea, ok what do you need my help with???" Nightwing said " There is this kid, that hawk women's friend Blaze , knows and he got bit by a spider and h-he um has your powers." I said "What. "  he said "Hawk women wouldn't  tell us his name, but Luna looks like your going to be a mentor." I said "wait, so how old is this kid." He said "15." I said "ok, dose he know how to use his powers???" He said "Yea, I little, but sometimes he cant control it." I hummed and said "I gotta go check on something, I'll be right back." I then said "Where is my suit." Nightwing said "B16." I said "thanks. " I ran to "B16." I saw my super suit in a glass case. I put it on and I got on to the top of the base . We have multiple base's and this one was in the middle of New York. I fell down a little then I shot a web and landed on a building and looked at myself in the glass.

I realize I didn't put my hair up in a ponytail

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I realize I didn't put my hair up in a ponytail. I put it up and I webbed to my building. I know were to go. I thought about the thing, but at 1st I thought it couldn't be true, but the black goo and the new spider boy. It can only be one thing......... project Venom. 

HELLO MY AMAZING REDERS, it is me your wiredo Author. so I will be doing a face reveal. you don't want it to happen comment against it, but yea this looks fun so WHY THE HELL NOT. so yea HAPPY MOTHER DAYS. so if there any mother out there, this is for you guys. so ya people, I don't have to tell ya anything. but um I guess vote, comment and I bet your like

 but um I guess vote, comment and I bet your like

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and I am like

so yea I'm a little hyper right now and also I know its a short chapter I'm, so, so ,sorry but I'm gonna do some other chapter soon and I had a crazy weekend

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so yea I'm a little hyper right now and also I know its a short chapter I'm, so, so ,sorry but I'm gonna do some other chapter soon and I had a crazy weekend. I mean. I went to oaks, I had a softball game, I had a derby party and mothers day. so yea love don't hate me and I will be posting the face reveal soon. so yea love don't hate me   


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