There for you.

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So hi people, so sorry if there are some spelling mistakes, I am writing on my family's iPad and I am not used to writings on here, so Injoy this chapter. Also my updates will be slower. So love don't hate me. also i will que the song part, or just listen to it. i dont care. GRAET SONG BY THE WAY. the song is Centuries by fall out boys not my song sadly, just incase this isnt working thats the song so yea love dont hate me.

Luna pov.
I was furious, and sad , and ready to kick someone's ass. I webbed to Hopes apartment more in the buzzer part of town.  I went to the top floor ,were her bead room was. Her room was dark , but I heard crying. I opened the window and I came face to face with a shotgun and a big one too. Hopes eyes where red and her face was pale. She was wearing some gray sweatpants and a baggy pink shirt. She said " who are you, if you don't tell me I will blow your head off. " I said "now, that isn't the way to treat your best friend " I took my mask off letting it hang off the back of my neck. She put her gun down and said "Im sorry Luna, its just." I cut her off by hugging her and she hugged me back and she started to sob into my shoulder, in the dark. she then said "why me, Luna why did it have to happen to me." i said "I dont know Hope, i dont know." She looked up at me and just seeing her like this made the fire inside of me grow hotter. Someone did this to me, my family. I said "Want me to go kill someone." she said "Luna, yes please, but only who did this." I looke at her and said "Ok, i'll go kill someone, Hope call me if you need me, i am right here for you." she said "Same here Luna." I knew what she was sayig, but i couldnt cry. i have to be strong. I ran out the window and i dove all the way down and when i was 10 feet from the ground i sht and web and jerked u and i webbed slinged all the way to my room. i crashed threw the window , not wanting to stop. I fell on the floor and i groaned as i landed on my floor. I got up and i take my mask off. throwing it to the floor. I ripped my costume off and replaced it with some black leather pants and some knee high black boots. I put slipped on a black long slevve and i put on some black gloves and i braided my hair into a braid down my back. I grabbed my dads white pistial. I slipped it into my boots and i grabbed my laptop. I climbed to my roof.

*time skip*

I've been on the roof doing research for an hour, when i heard Jarvs's voice and he said "Miss Luna, what are you." I got up and said "Im just doing research, for a friend." he put a hand on my shoulder and said "Why do you have a gun." I said "Im going to kill the asshole who stole Max from me." He said "Luna i know you are hurting, but you." I said "Jarvis i have to do this, i-i have to, he hurt my family. I cant let this person hurt anyone else i care about." I had already found a tape of some street rat shotting max. I already located him. ( I bet your wondering wtf is happing ,well you will just have to wait and see.a-n) I said "Sorry i have to do this J"


 I jumped off the roof and i web slung to an alley , where the asshole was. I saw him grabbing an old ladys purse. I jumped down beind him and i threw him across the alley. I grabbed the ladys purse and i helped her up and i gave her the purse and said "Have a nice night mam." She said "Thank you." Then she ran away. I walked slowly over to the person that killed Max, the person who killed my little brother. I pulled my gun out and i pointed it at his head and said "Give me three reason why i shouldnt kill you for killig Max Hardin." He said "w-what i didnt do that shit." I said "Yea, like hell you didnt. I saw the tapes." I was really close to pulling the trigger when i saw a flash of red and white. Bart was in front of me and he said "Luna dont do this, if you put the gun down no one will everyknow about this." I said "Bart he killed my best firends brother, he was like a little brother. He hurt Hope, Max, Hopes parents and me. I promised Hope i would kill the person who did this to her. I dont want to ,but i have to." I put the gun up and the guy said "Yea listen to the kid, i didnt do it." I said "SHUT UP." I looked in his eyes and i saw fear, the same fear that Hope had the day the roof fell. I was about to shot when i felt something hugging me. I let the gun hang lose by my side as i felt. I felt Barts two arms wrap around my neck. I just stood there because i never have gotten a hug, well a real hug in my life before. Yea sure Hope gave me side hugs sometimes. But this. This was a real hug. He said "Luna, i-i know how you fell. You just want to protect the ones you love, you think you have to be strong all the time, but you dont. Luna i know i just met you a few days ao, but we are going to be friends for a very long time i can tell you that know. so Luna know one can ever know about this, just you me and i guess the guy and Hope. You dont have to be strong all the time." I heard the thump of the gun as it hit the ground. I hugged Bart back and i saw the jack ass that did this to me try to run away. I pushed Bart away and i webbed the asshole the the alley wall. I punched him in the face and i said "You got lucky, you better be glad im not Red hood."  I looked at Bart and he said "I got him, but 1st." He ran up to the guy and punched him a few times then whispered something in his ear. Bart then said "Web his mouth please." I did that and Bart grabbed him and ran off. He was back and he said "Lets take you home." Bart picked me up and he was about to run, but i said "Thanks Bart, for helping me you know not kill the guy." He gave me a weak smile and said "Anytime Luna." He ran to my living room, where Jarvis was pacing, Jmie was also pacing as Nightwing was sitting down looking down along with Cassie and the others. Bart put me down and Jamie and Jarvis gave me a bear hug. (im sorry but he J's anyone else see that.......... No ok that's cool. A-N) Jarvis said "dont EVER do that to me agian, you scared the living shit outta me." Jamie said "Yea me to, what happened Jarvis wouldnt tell us." Bart then said "She was beatting the living SHIT out of someone." I looked at him and mouthed "Thank you." He gave me a wink and Night wing said "Do you need anything Luna." I said "No im fine, i just want to be alone." I turned around and i felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around and it was Nigtwing . He said "I know how i fells, wanting to find the person who did this, just stay strong. I also rather you met the team next week. Is that ok." I said "Thats fine nightwing." He then said "We will be leaving now." I said "Be carefull." And the were all out. When i heard the door close. I turned around to find no one there. I fell on my knees and started to cry. Jarvis came beside me and he hugged me. I said "Jaris w-why dose it have to hurt so much." He said "Its the way of life my dear, belive me if i could change it to not hurt you i would." I started to sob agian all the stress from beng strong goon, out of the window.For now.For the rest of the night I sobbed into Jarvisshoulder whishing the pain would go away.

*The next day*

I ot up from my bed, wait how did i get here. I guess Jarvis put me here. I got up and i looked in my mirror. My eyes were red and puffy from crying almost all night, but i had to vist Hope tell her that The Jackass that did this to her is getting justice, the right knid of justice. i put my suit on and i webbed out my door to Hopes house.

*time skip cause i can*

I stopped at her window and i saw her in her Pink velvet blankets. I knoked on her window and she looked over at me and she gave a weak smile and she opened her window. I climbed in and she closed her window. I hung upside down on a web and i said "I brought you justice, but i didnt kill him, hes in jail now." She looked up at me with Hope (hope, hope anyone get it, ok me only that cool agian A-N) And she said "That all i could ask for Luna...... Luna how are you so strong, whats your secret?!?!??!" I said "Why??" She said "Because i have school tomorrow and i dont want to look all sad and stuff, so." I said " Well......." I took my mask off letting it hang off the back of my neck and when i looked at Hope looking at me. The part of the suit thats around my neck felt like it got tighter, I said "Im just used to being strong, but Hope im not strong i just hide it well." She looked up at me and said "Thank you Luna, you really are my best firend." I said "Only for my best firend Hope, i gotta go bye." She side hugged me and said "See ya." know i didnt have to leave, but i knew she wanted to be alone and i need my time  to, she just reminds me of her brother. I webbed out of the aparment and i ust swung around for he rest of the day.

Stranger POV.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I yelled I rippped a spider off of me. i rubbed the back of my neck were it bite. I looked at the spider on my floor. It was a wired red and blue. I knew that this wasnt a normal spider. I took a picture of the spider and then i threw it away. I went on google and i pasted the picture on there and typed "What is this." (You cant actually do this, i wish you could, that would be awsome A-N) I look threw mutipuly websites really fast. While rubbing my neck. I then went on the Lex corp site. I saw an article with the picture of the same spider. I Read 

" Lex corp was working on a speacial spider, a spider that Lex Luthor thought would change the world. The called this spider the "Super spider." Lex Luthor thought that it would cure diseases and give humans side effects. He said "That the side effects would diffre on the diffrent humans." But he also said that there was a 93% chance of the side effects not happing. All was well untill April 18th there was a fire in the lab and the spider died, there was only one spider. Yet Lex corp have been trying for years to recreate this "Super spider" I think that it is impossible as a sincetest myself. But i hope that someday the "Super spider" Will save the day." 

 I freaked out "SIDE EFFECTS" What the fucke dose that mean, if i die my mom is going to kill me and my dad is going to bring me back to life so he could kill me and i cant die. Im a 15 year old boy im to young to die. I started to clam down and i sarted to fell sleepy. I thought Man i really hope this is a dream." as i fell on my bed and was knoked out. 

HI PEOPLE, so it me the author and i am so aorry to keep you awsome people waiting, so thank you for the waiting and not giving me shit, now i would have updated sooner, but  my dad suprised me with a camping trip on a realy cool island, so i couldnt write intill monday and well when i got home it was really late, so i went to bed. but yea like i said  there will porably be some spelling mistakes because im swithing between my familys ipad and my dads laptop and ethier of them dont have spell check. so yea hope you like this chapter, love dont hate me.  

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