the storm part 2.

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 Hey so I was planning on making the storm a really big chapter, but yea for some odd reason I cant  go over 3,000 words. so yea it will be in parts and also I'm not gonna be updating as much because right now I'm on my way to MYRTLE BEACH. yea I grew up in south Carolina and we used to go there every summer, so yea now that I live in Kentucky its hard for me to go there with my family, so yea I may not update as much, but I will try.  and also listen to this while reading I think t makes it better. oh yea you guys might hate me after this chapter but. love don't hate me -Mulangirl223


"Really, wanna bet?!?!"

Luna pov. (Now)

He hissed at me again (OK what's up with this guy and hissing and spitting over people I mean come on.) He then came running at me like a bull. I grinned and Vemon then ran at me. I jumped over him and ran near the gas tank. He then ran at me again, but this time like a human. He then jumped up and kicked me in my face, I then punched him in the face while he was open and I also webbed his face (-_-) yea, I did it. I then grabbed him and threw him into the gas tank I then yelled "NOW." and Aqualad lit a match and sent it flying i was starting to sun away when i felt something pull me back. I then was smashed into the gas tank. I forced myself up and when i did i saw Hope still on the roof. I turned around and I knew that if i left him that he would survie, but then Vemon said "If I die, then your dying with me." I then saw the match. I saw Vemon get up right when the gas tank exploded. I felt a heat so hot on my back that I screamed and the heat pushed me off the side of the building, I hear Aqua lad  and Hope scream for me. but to me the world was in slow motion and I tried to shot a web and when looked at my wrist I saw that they were broken. I was gonna die. I then heard a few voices scream my name, but  I was smiling, because I knew that I saved a least one of my friends and that I was gonna be with Max, and Mom soon. I then rembered my promise to my mom i made the day she died.

flash back ( This might make you cry, just warning you)

" Miss Luther, please come in." I sat down nest to my mom. she was sick really sick. she didn't have hair and was pale. yet she still smiled. The doctor alked to my 6 year old self and he said "I'm sorry Luna, but you mommy is going to." I cut him off and i said "I know doctor...... go to a better place. and i just wanna thank you for being there for me and my mom." He said "No problem." I said "May i have some time alone with her."  he then said "Of course." and when I heard him close the door , I sat down on the edge of my moms bed.  I then said "Hi mommy, are you felling better." She then said "Not now, but I will be soon." I looked down and she lifted up my chin and said "Don't cry dear." I didn't notice I was crying. she then frowned and said "darling I don't want you to be sad, you should be happy. I'm gonna be out of pain and I will be with my parents. I will be in a better place." I then said "I know mommy , but I will miss you." she said "Yes I know, but can you promise me something." I said "Of course mommy." she then said "Promise me that you will always be humble and kind." I then said "I will, I promise." She then said "Now I'm gonna tell you two things that will help you with that promise and with life."  I said " Ok." she then took my hand and said "To be humble you have to strong. you have to fight for what you KNOW is right, but to be strong also means that you let someone cry on your shoulder, put them before you. and to be kind you have to be smart. you can create a cure to a sickness or just help someone with there home work, but to be smart you have to do what you know is right, what is the right thing to do." she coughed up some blood. I gave her a towel and she then said "I'm sorry  where was I............................... oh yes."  she took my hand again and said "Today is a happy day, I will be out of pain and with my family, but Luna there will be dark days ahead of us too and there will be days when you feel alone, and that's when hope is needed the most.... keep it alive. "she handed me a comic, a spider girl comic. she then said "When the time comes this symbol on her chest will bring you and others hope. one day live up to that symbol. I know you can..... bring hope to the people of new York. I love you."

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