Chapter one

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Most of the story will be in third person

Neglected. Broken. Depressed.
Those three words are what you could use to describe Preston. He grew up with a pot head mom and a dad that was never home. Neglected by his parents most of his life, he was excited when his mom told him he was going to live with his uncle in Florida for the summer. Today was the day. His plane landed in Florida, it was a quick flight between Texas and Florida; he waited for his uncle to pick him up. After fifteen minutes of waiting, he sees the bearded man with ugly pineapple t-shirt. " Hey uncle Carl" Preston says and hugs the man with scruffy beard. " Come on Preston, let's go to car" the man says and starts speed walking. Preston runs after him lugging his suitcase behind him; trying to catch up. The two arrive at the car and get in. Carl starts the car and begins driving " so Preston, I'm not going to be with you that all this summer; I'm going to Ecuador to build a school" Carl says. " You trust me, to stay at your house" Preston asks " of course kiddo why did you think you're here this summer" Carl says as they stop at a decent sized house. Carl hands Preston the spare key and Preston gets out of the car and walks to the front door with his heavy suitcase dragging behind him. He unlocks the door and looks around. He walks upstairs to the spare room and throws the suitcase on the bed. He walks to the kitchen but taking his time to look around. His uncles house seemed like a dollhouse, with its beautiful art pieces, with fine china dining sets, and nicely carved furniture. He arrives at the kitchen and sees money on the table with a sticky note on it. Preston's eyes immediately look at the money and he practically runs towards it. Here's 1,000 dollars Preston - Uncle Carl.
He takes ten dollars from the pile and runs out the front door. 'The short stop, is just two blocks away" Preston thinks as he cuts through people's front lawn. " Hey! My daisy" a younger voice shouts and Preston lifts his foot to see he stepped on a beautiful daisy. He turns around and sees a young boy about his age with brown hair and brown eyes. " I'm so sorry" Preston says to boy and carefully walks over to him. " I'm Preston Arsement, I'm from Texas, and I'm sixteen,I'll be your neighbor for the rest of the summer" Preston says and sticks his hand out. " Rob Lasky, I'm from Canada, I'm seventeen, and I'm here to help my grandma" the boy responds and shakes his hand. " Wanna come to the short stop with me" Preston asks him silently praying that the cute boy will accompany him. " Sure" Rob says and they begin walking to the short stop. " Do you play video games " Rob asks " yeah, I play COD and Minecraft" Preston says. " I play Minecraft to" Rob says a smile growing on his face. The two boy begin talking about the blocky game

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