Chapter two

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Warning transphobic things are going to happen.
Lonely. Stressed. Shy.
Three words you could describe Rob with. Lonely because back in Canada he isn't allowed to be social with second and Third class people. Which is hard, and people who are first classic are annoying as hell. Stressed because he was being pressured by his parents to follow in their footsteps. Shy because he's not used to being social.

Rob and Preston arrived at the short stop after what seemed like a long walk for Rob. Rob decided that he going to get a coffee for his grandma and a Sprite polar pop for him. He grabbed some pixie sticks for his grandmother and him. " You ready Rob" Preston asked walking over to him. " Y-Yeah lets go" Rob says and they walk over to the checkout. The young boy who was about sixteen working the cash register was arguing with a guy who also looked sixteen. " I'm a boy! Even if my birth certificate doesn't say it yet" he says. " No you're not, you were born a girl!Jessie" the boy shouts and storms off without his treats. The guy named Jessie looks like he's  going to cry ." Hey, it's okay he's just some transphobic asshole" Preston says trying to comfort the guy. Rob nods, not knowing what to say. " Thank you I'm Jerome Aceti previously known as Jessie" he says. " I'm Preston and that's Rob" Preston says handing her his and Robs treats. Rob shyly smiles then Preston speaks again " when do you finish your shift". " Right now" Jerome says taking a look at the clock. A girl walks in and says " your shifts over Jessie, go home". Jerome cringes at his birth name but nods and walks to the back of the store. Rob leans over and says " you think he'll want to hangout". " Hopefully, he seems nice" Preston says with a slight blush. Jerome comes back with a skateboard in his hands and says goodbye to the girl. " So, Jerome do you wanna hangout with us" Rob asks with a slight smile. " Sure, okay" Jerome responds running his fingers threw his short hair. " So Jerome, you're a trans guy" Preston asks. " Yeah... Want to go to the park it's like three or five blocks away, I think" Jerome says. ' More walking' Rob thinks but still he agrees to go. Jerome puts down his skateboard and starts skateboarding. Preston and Rob have to run to keep up with him. " So Jerome what do you do for fun" Preston asks; he was definitely more social then Rob by 100%. " I play lots of video games like Minecraft,COD I also play the piano" Jerome says " I wheeze need wheeze a wheeze break" Rob says wheezing. The two other boys stop and walk back to Rob. 'Curse them for making me run' he thinks then flops onto the ground. 'Fucking asthma' he before closing his eyes and try to focus on his breathing.

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