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Lachlan was abused by his older siblings. He was always confused why since he was a little kid. He knows why now though. He's his parents golden kid. You know the perfect one, the smart one, the athletic, the very attractive one. Not that his siblings weren't attractive but Lachlan inner beauty made him more attractive.

As Lachlan walks back to his aunts place ( where him and his family are staying over the summer) a certain boy comes into his mind. The short Brit boy who stood up for him first. The boy may have been short but he spoke with great power like a warrior. Lachlan admired and respected that.He finally arrived at his aunts place and he took deep breaths to relax his nerves. He opened the door and walked in." There's the golden child" his brother mocked." Mitchell be nice" his mom scowled causing his brother to roll his eyes. The Mitch he met at the park was much nicer then his brother Mitchell and probably wouldn't care if he was his parents golden child." Dinner is ready" Lachlan's uncle shouts from the kitchen. He quickly walks to the dining room and sits down. Soon the rest of the family comes and sits down. Today his uncle served turkey which was Lachlan's favorite." So Lachlan how was your day" Lachlan's aunt asks using her sweet voice." Good" Lachlan says flatly before biting into his chicken leg." Make any new friends" his mom asks." Uh yeah five, speaking of friends can I go to the water park with them tomorrow" he asks staring down at his plate. He could feel his siblings jealous stares and he knew that if he made eye contact with them that would make them angry. His two siblings were kinda of like very mean Pitt bulls." Sure honey, are any of them female" his mom says back with a smile on her face. Of course she wondered if any of them were girls. She wanted Lachlan to fall in love with every cute girl she meets." No mom, all guys" he says in a monotone voice." What about that Jessie girl, the one who thinks she's a boy" Jackie says with a devilish smirk. Lachlan's head snapped up and I made eye contact with his sister " it's Jerome not Jessie, Jerome is a boy he was just born in the wrong body" Lachlan says raising his voice." Lachlan there's no need to raise your voice" his father says." Yes there is, she being transphobic and that's not okay" he says to his father not braking eye contact with Jackie." Lachlan she's right, if you're born a girl you're a girl... if you're born a boy you're a...." Lachlan's father said but was interrupted by Lachlan." That's not how it works you guys are so narrow minded" Lachlan shouts and runs off to his room. He slams the door and locks it. So much for being a golden boy

I'm starting a thing in my new one shot, AU book where you request a youtuber like a sidemen member, a pack member, Ex team crafted members, Skydoesminecraft new friend Ex. You can either give me a song that you like and I can it to write about the person. Example: Mitch/bajancandian and the song stressed out, I'll write about Mitch and use the song to help me base what's going on in the one shot.If you don't have song for the person but like a certain singer/ band I can go through some of their songs and pick one. Example: Cal/ cal freezy  any song by the vamps. Or if you don't care you can pick a character and I'll pick a song.

The Summer of the packWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt