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Joker. Athletic . Positive
Those words described Jerome really well. He may have a tough life with a transphobic mom but he looked on the bright side of things and stayed positive. Pretty much everyday was a good day. His friend Zachary even bought him shirt that said " today was a good day".He was a class clown always having a witty comeback to say to the teacher. Always researching new pranks. Soccer was his life, even though he couldn't play on the boys team because his birth certificate said his gender was female; he often played for fun or on co-Ed teams. Jerome was pretty much living life to the fullest.

"You okay" Preston asks Rob as he was trying to catch his breath. Jerome honestly had no clue what to do. After awhile Rob caught his breath. " Let's just walk to the park" Jerome says. Preston helps Rob stand up and they begin walking. Jerome slowly rode his skateboard, so that the two others could keep up with him. " So Jerome where are you from" Rob asks. " I'm from New Jersey" Jerome says with his voice filled with pride. He loved everything about Jersey. The cities, the beaches and the people. He especially loved the beaches." Is it nice there" Rob asks " yes it's one of best places to live in America" Jerome shouts out happily. " Cough cough Texas is better cough cough" Preston says pretending to cough. Jerome playfully pushes him away." Nah G" he says shaking his head. The trio finally arrives at the park  after what seems like hours. " Hey Jerome" a voice shouts causing Jerome to jump off his skateboard. He looks around and sees Mitchell Hughes jogging towards him, a basketball in his hand. Jerome starts to blush a bit; that was his crush of course he's blushing. Mitch understood him. He was okay with him being transgender. They met when they were working the same shift at the corner store. Jerome was head over heels in love with him. "Hey dude, what's up" Jerome shouts back and gives Mitch a high five." Who are they" Mitch asks gesturing towards Rob and Preston. " That's Rob and Preston" Mitch waves at the then says " you guys wanna play some basketball". Jerome glances at Rob and Preston who just nod. " Okay let's go" Preston shouts and they run over to the basketball court. Jerome passes the ball to Preston who takes a shot. It misses and hits a boy with tanned skin " bloody hell" he shouts looking over at the four boys.  Jerome slightly smiles; the boy was so small and looked pretty dorky. " Sorry dude, I'm Jerome" Jerome says and extends his hand out. The boy takes his hand and shakes it " I'm Vikk". " Well Vikk wanna play some basketball" Rob asks. " Sure I guess" Vikk says. The five boys begin to play but they just take banter shots. ' Maybe this summer won't be bad'

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