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The forgotten middle child. That's what Mitchell Hughes was. As long as he didn't do anything illegal, his parents didn't care. His parents were to caught up caring about his perfect older siblings and adorable younger siblings. He was okay with it sometimes though.

" Mom, I'm going to the water park today" Mitch shouts but gets no response. He ponders for a second of what to say then he says " I'm going to go cut all my fingers off and join the black parade". The last part referring to his favorite band MCR." Okay honey have fun" his mom shouts causing Mitch to roll his eyes. He grabs his backpack with his phone and money.He walks out the door and hops onto his skateboard. The water park was only a fifteen minute skateboard ride from the meet up spot. He gets on the skateboard and heads off. He arrives at the park and looks around for the others." Hey buddy" a familiar voice shouts. He turns around and sees the one. The only. Jerome Aceti a.k.a his bestie a.k.a his crush." Sup dude where's everyone" Mitch asks " over by that tree, you're late" Jerome says chuckling slightly. Mitch quickly grabs his phone and reads the time. He's ten minutes late, like always." Come on bud let's go" Jerome says and they race over to the tree. They arrive at the tree and see everyone was talking and laughing." Finally let's go" Preston shouts out. Causing Rob to laugh " yeah, let's go" Lachlan says and they run off over to the waterpark. Mitch quickly skates after them, making sure they don't take a wrong turn.
((())) Time skip((())((((
It's been a couple hours since the boys got here. Right now Mitch and Jerome are in line to go on the purple dinosaur. A slide where you and friend sit in a two seater tube and go through a tunnel with sharp and very fast turns.Once you get out of the tunnel you go down this steep slope and up this huge ramp. You go flying back down and you're done." Next" the lifeguard calls and Mitch and Jerome get into a tube." Have fun cuties" the lifeguard says and pushes them down. Almost immediately Mitch regrets going on this. It's going so fast and the turns are so sharp that the two are almost falling out." Holy fuck we're gonna die" Mitch shouts out as loud as he can.Finally they see a light signally the scary part is coming. The go flying out of the tunnel and down the slope. They're screaming as loud as they can and praying.They go up the ramp and reach the top and their screams get louder. They go flying down and the ride is over. They get out of the tube and start laughing at each other." You screamed so loud Jerome" Mitch says laughing putting a hand on Jerome's shoulder. Well more like T-shirt. Jerome isn't gonna swim without a T-shirt unless he fully transitions into a male." At least I didn't yell holy fuck we're gonna die" Jerome says laughing. Lachlan runs up to them laughing." Here are your guys phone Vikk and I video taped on both your phones of you guys screaming" Lachlan says laughing. Preston walks over next " guys we have to go soon, remember we'd be back by four so let's go drop your phones off and go down those racing slides" Preston says and points up. There were six slides. They were the highest in the park." Uh sure dude" Mitch says trying to sound excited. They walk over to the others. They walk over to their stuff and drop off their phones." Let's go boys" Rob says giddily and they run over to the slides. They all got summer passes so they get to go on the fast past thing, where you can skip the line a bit." Next six" the life guard yells and the boys scramble over to a slide. Mitch takes red and Rob is right beside him on the blue slide." Three, two, one go" Vikk yells out and they all go down the slides. The one thing Mitch hated about this slide was that it was inclosed. He felt like he was in a coffin. He starts going faster and water is getting up his nose and in his eyes. Finally he sees the light and he slides down a huge slope. He gets out of the slide and realizes he's first. He stands by the sidelines waiting for everyone to come out of their slides. Next comes
2 Jerome
3 Vikk
4 Lachlan
5 Preston
6 Rob.

" Good race" Lachlan says. " Yeah let's go home boys" Rob says and they race over to get their stuff. Mitch grabs his backpack and waves goodbye to his friends. He leaves the water park and skates home alone. He's used to it, his parents didn't want Mitch to influence his siblings so he walked home alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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