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Aprils POV


"I love you more than anything" Ben says. He kisses my small, but noticeable baby bump. Then he looks up at me and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

We embrace in a long hug, promising to never let each other go, no matter what happens. Our arms are wrapped around each other, in a romantic hug.

It felt safe to be wrapped in his arms, his cuddly arms. He was perfect, the brown hair, soft green eyes. He had looks any woman would want, and I had them, and they were hugging me.

*end of flashback*

1 year after Ben left/Jonah was born

"Oh god" I sigh. I can't take it anymore. I miss him too much. Me and Jonah are alone, he has no dad, I have no protecter. We were a team a beautiful team, who promised each other we would get through this together. Even though he doesn't keep up his end of the promise, I still do.

I loved Ben from the first time is saw him. His laugh would light up my day. Just even seeing him smile, was the highlight of my day. The kisses, hugs, everything, was amazing. I just miss him too much.

"April it's time to go to school" my mom yells through the hallway, making sure I wasn't sleeping. "You have to take Jonah to the daycare."

After about five minutes of laying there I finally take the plunge and get off of the bed, and go get ready.

I walk straight to the bathroom only to discover I look like utter crap. I apply makeup, just a little because I don't have enough time to do my usual look. Then I throw on a pair of black joggers with a maroon colored t-shirt, and white converse.

I then walk to Jonah's room to get him ready. I grab him out of his crib and make him a bottle.

While feeding him, I get his diaper bag ready for the daycare.

Once he's fed I place him in his car seat, grab my back pack, keys, and his diaper bag, I rush out of the door. This is how it is almost every morning. The same routine over and over again. I sometimes wish Ben was still here to help me but in the future, he might come back. Even though I've lost almost all hope of him ever coming back.


"I can't live like this much longer," I say, to Carly.

"April yes, you can. I know he left you, and Jonah and he's an ass for that. I thought Ben was better than that, I thought he loved you so much he would never leave you, but maybe he's not ready to be a man, yet. Maybe one day he will come around again," Carly hopefully says.

"Probably never" I grunt.

As I'm walking to class, I bump into something. Then I realize it was a man, not just any man, it was Brandon Petra, the schools bad boy.

"Watch it, baby mama," he says, smirking.

I shake off his charm, and walk off to class. When I get there the only seat left is next to ben's sister, maybe I can get some hints on his whereabouts. "Hey Jazz," I say.

"If your asking about Ben, he asked me not to tell you anything" she says.

"Please, I need to know. Jonah needs his dad in his life" I beg.

"Look, I don't know where his is. For all I know he could be dead. I wish I could tell you something but I can't. Although just move on, find someone else. Also he changed his number," she says.

"Okay. Just If you hear from him tell him, that Jonah is doing good. If he asks," I say.

"Alright," she replies.

I stoped talking to jazz and focused on my homework, I have to get it all done if i want to spend some time with Jonah this weekend.

After school is over I join Carly, by the lockers.

"We're going shopping this weekend," she says.

"What about Jonah," I ask.

"Let's take him with us. We can even shop for him, for a little while," she cheers.

Oh of course, everyone likes shopping for Jonah. I mean everyone. My mom literally goes to shop for herself, and then comes back with multiple new outfits for him. Well I guess I do that too, but you know.

I walk outside and I notice, Brandon staring at me. I couldn't possibly know why he would have an interest In me, because everyone knows I have a kid. And he's never noticed me before. Not letting my mind wander to 'oh maybe he likes me, maybe this could be a cliché love story' I get In my car and drive off, leaving my thoughts behind.


"Ma" Jonah squeals, as I enter the daycare facility.

He looked so cute in the Jordan outfit I put him in this morning. His blonde hair a bit messy, since he probably was napping earlier.

I sign him out from daycare, and pick him up. Then I grab the diaper bag from his cubby, and say goodbye to the workers as I head out the door.

"How was your day?" I ask, in a sweet tone.

He smiles at me as he pulls a strand of my hair, then he wraps his tiny arms around me.

"Wuv you" he muffles, as he falls asleep on my shoulder.

I place him into his car seat, and kiss his cheek, before starting the car and driving home.

Thinking about the positive things in life, I smile. I was truly happy, with my son. Things could get complicated in the future but at least he's here with me now.

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