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April POV

I woke up with a different mindset today, for some odd reason, but today is day one of getting over Ben. Cause let's face the facts, he's probably never coming back and I need to move on to make myself happy.  I'm not sure how well this is gonna work, but I'm gonna try.

It's a school day so, I do my usual routine makeup, hair, clothes, wake Jonah up, get Jonah ready, take him to daycare, and go to school. I can say that sometimes it's boring having the same routine, and barely seeing my friends anymore but, Jonah does make my day better though, by all they cute things he does.

School wasn't much today, but after school Brandon walked up to me. If I do have to admit, he is pretty cute, but it's kind of weird that he keeps talking to me. Well I mean he never really has before, so I don't really understand why now. I mean I guess it could be because we both have kids, but I'm not really sure.

"Hey April, I was kind of curious if you'd maybe want to go out and get ice cream or something, sometime" he asks, confidently.

"Uh sure, I just have to make sure one of my parents can watch Jonah" I say.

Okay this is unexpected, he actually wants to hangout with me. I remember one time we had to do a project together and it seemed like I absolutely repulsed him.

"No, you can bring him. I mean I was gonna bring my daughter, because I want you to meet her." He says.

He wants me to meet his daughter?

"Oh okay, when do you want to go then" I ask, shyly.

"Tomorrow, around 5, I'll pick you both up, so be ready" he smiles.

After the short conversation he leaves, and so do I. Although he left me with a lot of questions, but the biggest one is 'why does he want me to meet his daughter.'

"April, that boy is here!" My mother yells.

Ugh, the only reason I said yes is because I want to get over Ben, even though I highly doubt Brandon wants to be more than friends with me.

I grab Jonah and walk outside to meet him.

"Hey, you ready?" He questions.

"Yeah, I think I am" I say.

"Alright" he says as we get into his car and drive off.

I looked back at his sleeping daughter, she looks almost exactly like Brandon. He never really told me her name, or who her mom is, but she looks so much like her dad that I have no clue.


"So what's her name" I ask, as we were sitting down at the table after getting ice cream.

"It's Hazel" he says.

"That's a pretty name, did you name her?" I ask.

"Actually her mother did, I think it was her grandmother's name or something. I honestly didn't know a whole lot about her mom." He says.

"So was she like your girlfriend or?" I ask.

"We hooked up a few times, which led to Hazel. I haven't really heard from her since, I mean she never really told me she was pregnant. My parents and I were pretty shocked when we got handed the baby, and papers that said she was mine, and that I have all rights." He says. "I guess she wasn't ready to be a mother so she left her with me and signed her rights away."

"That's crazy" I say. "Bens name is on his birth certificate but he never signed so I don't think it really counts. I mean I basically have all rights since he's never even met Ben."

"Do you know why he left" he asks.

"I wish I did, part of me thinks he's just immature and didn't want to step up to his responsibilities. I'll never really be sure though, unless he comes back" I say.

We ate our ice cream and talked about our kids and said a couple of things about ourselves. Overall, I think me and Jonah had fun, it was nice that someone kind of knew what I'm going through, as a single parent.


"We should do this again sometime" Brandon says, as I'm getting Jonah out of his car.

"Totally, just tell me when" I say.

After I got inside I laid Jonah down since he was starting to fall asleep in the car.

"Did you guys have fun" my mom asks.

"Yeah, I think we really did" I say.

I never thought I would be hanging out with Brandon, honestly I never really thought any of this was going to happen. I figured by now me and Ben would be living on our own, raising Jonah together while finishing high school, and then eventually go on to college. I guess life never really turns out the way you think it will, although at the moment I'm probably the happiest I have been ever since he left.

I really hoped you all liked the chapter, I'm going to try to update the story more often.
Anyway have a nice day everyone, and don't to forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

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