Chapter 1

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I am never going back. There is no one in this world that could convince me to go back.

My legs were turning into jelly and felt like they were going to fall off. I have been running for a while now. I look behind me to see if there was anyone following me. That's ridiculous. I thought to myself. Why would anyone be following me? I am useless and why would anyone even give a thought to come after me? My family didn't even love me for heaven's sake! They probably wouldn't even notice I was gone. I frowned. I didn't have such a great life. I'm so glad I left.

Suddenly I trip and gasp in pain as my ankle twists in a sharp angle and I fall. Owww. That hurt. I thought as tears started streaming down my face. My life sucks. I look down at my ankle and sigh. It was already swelling.

"Great." I mumble to no one in particular.

I looked around at my surroundings. All I saw were trees, trees, and more trees. I had no idea where I was. A twig snaps. I automatically freeze as realize I might be in danger. Well Lailah, you are in a forest with animals lurking about. Especially dangerous ones. Another snap echoes throughout the forest. I snap my head left and right in fear to see where the noise was coming from. I was terrified. I soon came out of my stupor and knew that I had to get out of here. I looked around to see if there was a way out of the forest. I was thinking about going back the way I came, but I decided against that. I brought my head down in defeat and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a light. I had no idea what it was or where it was coming from, yet it was so intriguing. I decided against my better judgment and stood up carefully, wincing at the sudden shot of fresh pain spreading throughout my leg, and started speed walking on my way out of the forest. Well I think it was the way out.

I hope.

I kept walking towards the light still hearing twigs snapping and leaves crinkling behind me in the distance. The light seemed to be getting farther and farther away. I knew that was impossible, so I kept going. Suddenly the light disappeared. I was terrified. I was in the dark. In the forest. With animals. Dangerous animals. As on cue, I heard a growl and it didn't sound so friendly. I peered into the darkness and saw two bright yellow eyes. My eyes widened as a great black wolf came out from under the blanket of darkness and stepped cautiously towards me. I couldn't move. I knew I was dead. I was so stupid. I knew there was something following me! Why the heck would I run away in the middle of the night into a forest? I was so daft sometimes. My eyes were glued to the wolf as it got closer and closer to me. It stopped when it was about ten feet in front of me. It growled again and got down into a pouncing stance. I closed my eyes knowing what's to come. I mean I could have run away, but my ankle was sprained or broken and the wolf would have caught me anyway. I heard the wolf growl one last time and I opened my eyes a little. I saw the wolf pounce and I backed up a bit. I had no idea what to do, but then I thought in the last few seconds I had left, Why do anything? Why am I even running away? I had enough of my life. I have nothing left to live for. I don't want to live anymore. With my mind finally being made up, I looked back at the wolf milliseconds away from taking my life. I closed my eyes and breathed in one last time. Then I felt it. Searing pain went all across my body as I felt the wolf bite my stomach and scratch my legs. I felt a wet liquid seep out of my wounds and suddenly became very lightheaded and weak. I was awaiting the death blow, but it never came. I opened my eyes a little, it being very difficult to do so, and saw the wolf still and fall over. Through my blurred vision, I saw a sword buried deep in the wolf's neck. I peered out of the corner of my eye, and saw a person. He was pulling the sword out of the wolf's neck and I saw him glance down at me. He had a stern looking face and looked angry, yet I saw concern flash across his eyes for a second. He looked pretty good looking in my opinion. Wait, let me rephrase that, he looked pretty HOT in my opinion. He seemed pretty tall. He was about six foot five, I think. He also looked pretty tight. He must work out. A lot. He also had messy, short brown hair. He was tan and had cute features. But his eyes captivated me the most. They were blue eyes, but a dazzling sapphire blue. They also had gold and brown flecks in them, but you could only see them if you looked really close. They were captivating. Such pretty eyes. I thought as my eyes slowly closed and passed out.

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