Chapter 4

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Forgetting everything that happened, I asked him, "Why'd you kiss me?"

Jake stilled and his eyes widened.

"You can tell me anything you know. It's not like I have anyone to tell your secrets to." I smirked at him.

He gave a slight chuckle and his cheeks reddened. I thought it was cute.

"Ummmmm....uh...umm...." Jake stuttered.

"Oh come on, you can tell me." I said encouragingly.

"'" He said.

"Mate?" I was confused.


I stilled. What in the heck was a mate? I know in the UK and Australia that mate means friend, but you wouldn't kiss a friend, would you? You probably wouldn't kiss them on the lips by all means! So I guess his version of mate doesn't mean friend.

I glanced back at Jake. His cheeks still had a redness about them and I thought it looked just so darn ADORABLE. I closed my eyes and mentally shook my head. What is wrong with me? I opened my eyes and saw Jake looking at me hopefully, but he seemed worried. Why was he worried?

Involuntarily, I looked upon his amazing features. His chocolate brown hair was messed up like he ran his hands threw it several times. His eyes......oh his eyes....... they were beyond my comprehension. It's like they were staring right into my soul looking for answers. They were such an unnatural blue. They were beautiful. I moved my eyes slightly down. I fell upon his lips. They were so soft looking. I just wanted to run my finger over them, to caress them with my own, and make them mine.

A hand was suddenly all up in my face waving back and forth.

"Earth to Lailah." Jake said.

I did indeed come back to Earth and blushed when I realized that Jake might have seen me ogling him. He chuckled.

"Am I that irresistible?" Jake smirked. "I know I can't stop looking at myself either."

I blushed an even deeper red. Yup, he knew I was checking him out.

"No I was just wondering how anyone could look at that." I retorted.

He snorted, "Now that was just rude." He humphed, crossed his arms, and pouted. Now that beats all adorableness.

I just couldn't hold in my laughter. Jake blushed and pouted some more, but soon joined in my laughter.

My laughter was soon put on hold when my stomach decided burst out in pain. I put my hands on my stomach.

"Ow" I said painfully.

Jake playfully poked my arm and asked, "You laughing so hard, your stomach says to stop?" He continued to laugh.

A fresh new wave of pain rushed through me making me grit my teeth and let out a whimper. A few tears escaped.

Jake did stop laughing then. His eyes filled with concern as he reached out to me.

"Lailah?" Jake questioned. "Are you okay?" His words were quite sincere. He sounded like he really cared about me.

I tried to answer, but my abdomen was very reluctant to let me speak. Instead I started sobbing uncontrollably. Gosh, it hurt so bad. I felt a wetness under my hands and I looked down at my stomach, but I didn't move my hands because I was in so much pain.

Jake looked where I was looking and he blanched. He rushed over to me and gingerly picked me up bridal style. He rushed me over to my bed and laid me down as gently as he could.

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