Chapter 5

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    The next day when I woke up, I was incredibly sore. That was okay though because I was too relaxed to care about it.

     The kiss from last night was still fresh in my mind replaying itself over and over again making me give a slight smile. I haven't felt this happy since...... well ever. I sat up in my bed and stretched, but not that much because of my stitches. After stretching, I looked over my shoulder to look at Jake's gorgeous face. Yet, instead of Jake, I found two pillows and a messy bed. Where is he? I thought. I furrowed my eyebrows and thought about where he could possibly be. I stole a glance at the bathroom. Maybe he's in there. I got out of the bed and began my manhunt. I went over to the bathroom in my room and knocked on the thick wooden door.

      "Hello? Jake, are you in there?" I asked. No answer. I pushed open the door and stepped into the small white-tiled room. I ripped open the shower curtain, but didn't see anyone there. Giving up on the bathroom, I decided to search the rest of the house. Stepping out of my room, I decided where I would go. How about the kitchen genius. My mind shouted at me. At that moment, my stomach grumbled. I groaned. I just realized how hungry I really was. Jeeze, I could probably eat  two horses. That's how hungry I was.

      I walked around the house for a few minutes because I never really had the chance to find the kitchen before. I finally found it though. As soon as I entered kitchen territory, my eyes were nearly bulging out of my head. The kitchen was huge!!!! I saw at least three refrigerators. Why you ask? Well, I have no clue. Guess Jake is one hungry dude. I can just imagine all the food he eats.  My stomach grumbled at the thought of food. I opened the nearest refrigerator and looked around for something that I would actually eat.  My eyes landed on a carton of eggs. I guess that'll do. I grabbed them and set them down on the marble counter. I searched every cabinet for a glass bowl. Finally I found the glassware, but to my dismay it was in a cabinet far out of my reach. I could pull the cabinet open, but I couldn't grab anything from it. I threw my head back and internally groaned. Things were just not going my way.

      I grabbed a chair from the table and pulled it near the counter so I could reach the cabinet. I stood on top of the chair and reached for the glass bowl. I still couldn't reach. Ggggrrrr. I then stood n my tippy-toes and started to grab at the glass bowl. Finally, my fingers brushed the bowl and I grasped onto it. I mentally did a victory dance. As I was getting down, I slipped because of the stupid socks I had on. I yelped. But before I could hit the ground, I felt someone grasp me from under my arms.

      "Wow, that was close! Are you okay?" I sighed. Jake caught me.

      "Yeah, I'm okay. Can you put me down now?" I said exasperated. I was still ticked off about my clumsiness.

       "Okay, good. Uuummm.....if you don't mind me asking, why do u have a glass bowl in your hand?" Jake questioned.

       I tilted my head down and looked at the breakable piece of glassware in my right hand. My knuckles were white and my hand had a death grip on the bowl. I chuckled. Unbelievable.

      "What's so funny, missy?" Jake asked me, slightly raising one eyebrow with a smirk plastered on his face.

       "Well, I thought it was pretty amusing that I cared more about the bowl not breaking than I did my own body." I said amusingly. I shook my head and chuckled again.

       Jake began to laugh, too.

       "Well at least I caught you." Jake said happily with a smile so bright showing his perfect pearly white teeth.

        I shook my head again. I grabbed the bowl and walked over to the sink. I turned on the tap and filled the bowl up with water. I set it down on the counter and went to open the carton of eggs, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. At first I stilled, but then I relaxed knowing it was Jake. He continued to hold onto me as I set the first egg into the bowl of water. I waited to see if was going to sink or float.

        After about three seconds, the egg decided to float to the top of the bowl. I frowned. Man, I really wanted some scrumptious scrambled eggs with some bacon. Mmmm....bacon.

        "Your eggs are bad." I told Jake.

        "Thanks Captain Obvious. You know you could have just checked the expiration date on the carton." Jake retorted.

          I mentally face palmed myself. I am such an idiot. I almost killed myself on a chair, when I didn't even have to go through all that trouble. I could've just checked the stupid carton. Ggggrrr.

           Jake picked up the carton of eggs and walked over to the trashcan to throw them away. I went to grab the egg in the bowl. Yet as my hand touched the water, I felt a tingly sensation spread from my hand all the way to my toes. To my amazement, the water began to rise in the air in thin streams. They were heading towards the space on the floor next to me. As the streams of water hit the ground, I saw a form begin to take shape. My eyes widened when the streams almost finished their new form. It looked like a person.

            As the last drop of water joined the form, I dropped the bad egg from  my hand onto the floor. With a sickening crack and splat, the egg broke. The water that made the form of the person was gone. Instead, standing in its place was a man. A man I knew. A man I saw before.

            It was the man from my dream.

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