Chapter 3

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    A strange flash of blinding white light is all I saw. Then the light soon subsided. I gasped as I looked around the place I was in. My eyes could hardly take in the sight. I was in a freaking castle or palace or whatever! It was breathtaking. The walls were gleaming with light. When I got closer to the walls, I realized that there were pearls on them. The light was bouncing off them causing them to gleam. "Lailah! Honey, where are you?" I heard a strange voice say. I turned my head around and saw an incredibly handsome man turning the corner. When I say handsome, I mean handsome. Like Channing Tatum handsome. He had luscious brown hair. It was wavy and cut short. He was incredibly tall. I was a midget compared to him. He had soft, but stern features. His face was as calming as the ocean waves hitting the sand on a beach. Yet, it looked like he could make those waves turn into something dangerous. He had such bright sea green eyes; they were captivating.

   "Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere missy!" The strange man exclaimed. He stepped closer to me. I didn't move; it was strange. I didn't fear this man one little bit and he was a stranger. Once he was close enough to me, he went down on both of his knees so I was eye level with him. Wait one flipping minute! I'm not that small! I'm not an actual midget! I glanced down at my feet. They were strangely small. I held out my hands, too. They were strangely small, too. I started to panic and my eyes widened. Oh please tell me I didn't shrink! I looked back in the man's eyes. I used them as a mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was a small child. Chubby cheeks and everything. I looked about seven.  I was incredibly cute though. I shook my head. Snap out of it Lailah!

   The man started to speak. He said, " We have missed you so much, sweetie. We couldn't make it through the day without thinking of you. You are our everything." He smiled, but it was a sad smile.  I gave him a confused face and slightly tilted my head to the side. The mysterious man chuckled, but it was humorless. When he looked at me, his eyes held so much sadness that it was starting to affect me.

   "You will learn who I am in due time and who you are, my child." The man said sadly. Right after he spoke the palace shook and everything was starting to fade. I looked back at the man and saw that he was beginning to fade, too. The man seemed to notice. Weird. He cupped my small chubby face in his hands and planted a kiss on my forehead. I am officially weirded out now. The man placed his hands on his knees and pushed himself up.

   "Goodbye, my sweet." The man said before everything disappeared. All I saw was blackness, and I felt strangely light like I was floating. I heard the sound of something beeping in the distance.

   I suddenly heard a familiar voice, but couldn't point out whose voice it was.

   "I am so so sorry, Lailah. This was never meant to happen. I don't know why you ran away from me, but I really want to know why." I heard the voice say.

   I heard some sniffling.

   "Please don't leave me Lailah, I wouldn't be able to live without you. I don't know why, I just met you and I-I-I just felt this connection with you." The voice paused.

   "I think I...," The voice paused again. " Ummmm, just please don't leave me. I don't want you dying in my hands because of something I caused. It's all my fault."

    I felt something cold gently touch my hand. My heart felt like it stopped. This stranger is touching me, but it's kind of calming. I thought. It was weird; It was comforting.

   I then heard some footsteps and shuffling. The bed dipped down on my right side and felt something warm on my forehead. The mysterious voice person kissed me. My heart started beating like crazy and I felt like their were butterflies in my stomach. What is happening to me?! I have never ever felt like this before. What was this feeling? It was so strange and unnatural to me. A thought then came to me.

   Was it love?

   No it couldn't be. Maybe it is. I have never felt love in my life. I have only known hate.  Maybe this is what love feels like.

   The beeping sound started to get faster and quieter for me.

   I heard the stranger gasp and suddenly get up.

   "Oh no, oh no, oh no." I started to feel sick.

   "Lailah! Stay with me!" I heard the voice shout. The beeping kept getting faster and faster. My heart was beating like crazy still and I couldn't make it slow down.

    "Dang it!" I then heard things crashing to the floor right next to me. Things were being pushed around on the floor. "Where is it? Where is it?!" I heard the voice shout.

    What's wrong? I thought. "Ah ha!" I heard the voice shout, yet again. I then heard the stranger sprint over to me, and without warning, I felt a sharp pain in the crook of my left elbow. The pain didn't last long though. The beeping began to slow down, too. I heard the stranger sigh in relief. I then felt very tired, both physically and mentally. My brain was beginning to shut down. One thought came to my head.

    I better not be flipping dying. I swear if I die, I'll haunt Jake til the end of his days.

  Then I mentally facepalmed myself. The 'mysterious voice person' was Jake. Stupid, stupid me. That's the second time I forgot who he was.

   Then another alarming thought came to me.

   Am I falling in love with Jake?


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