September 30 1991

11 0 0

September 30 19991,

Dobby has just arrived at Hogwarts and to Master Draco's room. Dobby must wake Master Draco and have him put the necklace on immediately. The Diamond has a protection charm on it so Master Draco won't get hurt if something happens to him and once he puts it on it won't ever be able to come off again unless he is disowned by the family or marries a non pure blood basically making a permanent protective bubble around him.

Master Draco has his necklace on and Dobby has his. Dobby is allowed to stay at Hogwarts with permission from Headmaster Dumbledore because Master Malfoy sent an owl to him informing him that there has been some family issues with another family recently and he is worried about Master Draco's well being during this time. Dobby must follow Master Draco at all times unless told by Master Malfoy not to. Dobby will not follow Master Draco into the restroom for obvious reasons, other than a few other restrictions Dobby will always be by Master Draco's side.

Dobby has been following Master Draco all day and now Dobby is sitting on the stands watching Master Draco learn how to fly his first broom. Dobby must inform Master Malfoy if Master Draco gets injured or if he has any issues with other students. Once Master Draco can properly ride a broom next year, he will be on the quidditch team and have a good broom even if he is not as good as other students he will be on the team for bragging rights. Dobby does not think this is a nice thing to do but Dobby must follow all of Master Malfoy's orders and he must make Master Draco feel safe even though he is not. -Dobby

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