There's Got To Be A Slow Day Sometimes

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"Grandpa fixed Tenshi's and Kale's papers for the academy." Collin says, "Tenshi will be in class while Kale will be part of the PE department."

"Seriously?" Kale asks.

"Yeah, so I guess you have one up on us during class hours." Collin grins.

"Hear that Astrid?" Kale looks at Astrid, "One up over you."

"U- huh..." she grins, "try pulling anything I'll kick your ass at home."

"Whatever." He grumbles earning laughter from the others.

It was half an hour before class and they just arrived at NSA. The others were still trying to steal a few winks, while Astrid tried to talk with Kale and Dimitri about the situation, unfortunately, the others won't leave them alone.

Luckily, Genevere was already briefed of the situation, though Astrid would have preferred to get to know her before throwing her into this mess.

"So will you be moving to our class now Gen?" Dimitri asks. "Cause that would be cool, right Jared?"

"I guess..." Jared groans half asleep.

"No, fortunately." She glanced at me knowingly. "There's no need to."

"Just tell us if you want, so we can check on it."

"I'm quite happy where I am, thank you Miss Allana."

"Well, in case you need anything, don't hesitate to come to us." Ash says, "Jared will probably make things easier for you."

Astrid grins, amused of how the boys had been teasing Jared with Genevere since last night. According to Damien, Jared had never been turned down by any girl, much more shouted at like what Gen did last night.

"Whatever." Jared groans again.

"U- huh, yeah, real helpful." Gen mumble.

Jared sat up and glares at her, "Can't a guy get some sleep here? God, it isn't easy having a missing brother and nagging parents you know."

The tension in the car was instantaneous, though our group was growing, Derek was missing, and it isn't the same.

On cue, the car stops in front of the academy and Dimitri was the first one out.

Astrid massaged my temple not excited of how they day would unfold.

"You ok?" Damien asks.

"Yeah, just a little tired I guess."

"We'll go home right after class so you can get some sleep." He says, running his hand through my hair,. "C'mon..."

He steps out of the car and reached in to help me out. The boys- except for Damien, Collin and Kale- were already being crowded upon by girls who were saying how much they missed them, how the academy was so depressing, and where Derek was.

"He's just fooling around with something at home, you know how my brother is." Jared sighed. "Makes me damn worried."

"Wow, way to go big brother." Gen says sarcastically.

Jared gave her a look and then went back to talking with the girls. He was genuinely worried, the four boys had never been apart for as long as a day especially Jared and Derek, even at the orphanage they were like brothers. And using these girls attention kept him from thinking of the worse about his brother's whereabouts.

"Jared." Astrid calls out, "No need to worry right? He'll be here by tonight."

Jared smiles, "Yes, he'll be home tonight." the girls around him sighed again.

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