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If there was never a thing to do. it would for for a slave to never disobey their master. Yet here she was, standing fearfully in front of her master because of the very thing he had told him to do in the first place.

"So when I said that you should become an acquaintance towards Draco, make him believe that if he ever needed to speak to someone about something  and he would be too ashamed to tell me, he would always have you and you took that as a sign to start breaking his heart? Look at this and tell me what you see."

"A black heart m'lord."

"Look closer you snivelling bat."

She reached forward and pressed one finger against the glass casing around the heart, tracing the line down the middle.

"A crack."

"Damn right, there's a fucking crack. Your bloody ineptitude caused a crack in the glass. May I remind you that if that glass around his heart breaks, you shrivel up and die the old hag you were before."


"And to think I was doing you a favour!"


"I saw potential in you but if this glass doesn't seal itself by the end of the month, I'll smash this glass myself!" The shadow of his cloak hood covered hid hood almost perfectly but, even with a hood, you could still be able to see the ominous purple glint in his eye from miles.

"What makes him so important to you, m'lord?" She whispered, "If you don't mind me asking."

"We all have masters." With that he stood, shoved her out the door and slammed the door, the echo sounding through the tunnels.

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