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Today was a Saturday which meant I could wear colour. But not too much. Only dark colours.

So when I woke up this morning, I slid out of my bed and got on my knees. I reached underneath it and pulled out a suitcase.

Time to get ready.


My lemon-scented hair swished, the curls bouncing in the wind as I strolled throughout the forest. Upon reaching the lake, I sat at the trunk of a tree, watching it freeze up because of my presence.

I must have dozed off because I was shaken awake by a gentle but calloused hand, "Elle." he whispered. I simply nodded and stood up. He was about to say something when a rustling came from the bushes. Soon enough Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and all of his other friends appeared.

As soon as they did, Draco pushed me to the ground. And started to yell at me,"If you don't stay the hell out the way of me and my friends, I'll kill you myself!" I scrambled to my feet, pretending to be terrified.

Before I could I could even think, all of his friends ran up to me and shoved me into the lake. I couldn't swim. I held my breath  for as long as I could, but eventually I caved into it.

It was like being caught up in a fire. Your lungs burn and your desperate to take a breath but you know it will make it worse. But this time, it didn't. I felt free as the water filled my lungs. Like I had escaped the drowning.

It hurt but what hurt more was that Draco knew I couldn't swim.

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