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"Oh my! Snowdin is just as cold as I remember!" Mettaton commented. She walked over to the couch and sat down. She looked around and spotted Chara, "Oh? And who is this young one? New to the underground?" Mettaton leaned over and propped her head on her hands, "This is Chara! And yes they are completely new! Never have been here before, underground? What's that? Where's that? Where am I?" Sans suddenly burst, 'Smooth move skeleton.' Chara thought, "Okay then... Hello Chara. I am Mettaton! Oh, but you must already know me from my show!" Chara was about to speak, but Sans cut them off, "Yep! That's how theg know you! You guys totally didn't meet before!" Frisk elbowed Sans and kept an inmocent smile.
"BROTHER? ARE YOU ALRIGHT? YOU ARE ACTING STRANGE." Papyrus started to grow suspicious now, "Uhhh..." "So Mettaton! What brings you to Snowdin?" Chara asks trying to change the subject.
"Oh you know... Just trying to relax. It has been a stressful life, full of music, dancing, singing, and cooking." 'Cooking? Just how far did Frisk make it in this timeline?' Chara wondered.
Mettaton continued on explaining how 'stressful' TV life is, while Chara tuned her out. It was boring until ANOTHER person burst open the door, "HELLO DORKS!" 'Wait... I know that voice...' Chara turned around to be met with a giant fish, about 3x Chara's size. Undyne...
Last time Chara saw Undyne, she was melting because of her DETERMINATION.
"UNDYNE! I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE HERE! THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE AND I NEED YOUR HELP COOKING THE SPAGHETTI!" Papyrus yelled from the kitchen, "Of course I'll help!" Then Undyne jumped into the kitchen.
"We better leave, last time I cooked with Undyne, we burned her house down. And by we, I mean her." Frisk said and we all walked out in a hurry.
It has been a while and the fire department is spraying the house, you can probably guess why.
Right now everyone is at Grillby's, just hanging around and having a good time. Chara? They are sick of the noise.
Chara slips away from the crowd and out the door of Grillby's into the quiet cold, night.
Chara breathes in and out, finally having space to breathe. They watched as their breath appears, then disappears in the air.
It was finally quiet.
"Howdy!" Chara opened their eyes, that they didn't relize were closed, and looked around. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!" Chara was more alert now, "Where are you Flowey?" They called out into the dark.
Suddenly, a little flower shaped figure popped out from the ground, "Howdy!" Chara glared at the golden flower, "Asriel..."
"Oh come on Chara. I don't go by that name anymore. My name is Flowey." Flowey smiled, "I don't care if your name is dumptruck, what are you doing here?" Chara hissed. "Well... I heard you were back in town. And I wanted revenge." "Revenge?" Chara echoed, "But you're just a flower? What can you do?" "It's not what I can do. It's what you can do." Flowey's face grew into a creepy grin, "You came out here for a reason, right? To get away from them all. You've only been here a few days and you're already bored?" Flowey tried sounding menacing, but Chara was used to it. "Yes, Flowey. I did come out here for peace, but only because I am not used to a lot of people in one area..." Chara sat down and hugged their knees.
Flowey didn't say anything, he just growled, "Don't think this is over, Chara. I will get my revenge." "Whatever. Just leave already, I'm tired of dealing with you, Dumptruck." Flowey just scoffed and went underground.
Chara sighed and kept their head down when they heard the door open and then close. "Hey kid." It was Sans.
"You alright? You kinda left us in there." "Oh. So, now you are concerned for me?" Chara responded with hate/hurt. Sans just sighed and sat down next to them, "Listen... Kid... It's just... I thought I couldn't trust you. I thought you were gonna go back to your old ways..." Chara sighed, "I can't blame yah..." "You know. I'm very confused. Why are you AND Frisk in the same timeline?" Chara's eyes widened, "What? You don't how either?" Sans shook his head.
"I guess that kid is hiding it then. It must be super secret if they haven't told you." Sans nodded. "Well. Let's not worry about that. You ready to head back inside?" Sans held out his hand. I smiled and took it, "Yeah. Why try to make ammends when I don't even hang out with them?" Chara joked and they both headed inside.
On the side if the building, Flowey was listening in on it all. Flowey just smiled and disappeared underground.
The next morning was normal, except for the extra noise, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T COOK ANYMORE!?" Undyne yelled from the kitchen, "You burned down our house once, I am bot having you do it again." Sans's voice was heard. "AWW! BOO HOO! My house was burned down by a fish and skeleton's cooking. Why don't you go cry me a river?" Undyne snapped at Sans, "I would, but I don't think you're worth crying for." Undyne let out an annoyed grunt and slammed something hard on the ground. Chara finally got out of bed and went to investigate the noise, "What's going on?" They asked, "Just a small argument." Sans answered.
"You're just being a baby Sans. Just deal with the damage and move on!" Sans seemed to be getting annoyed now, "Look. This house is important, okay. You almost damaged some important things in here." Undyne smiled, "Oh? Like what? Your precious couch? Your amazing bed? Frisks's room? Oh please, all that can be replaced.
This snapped Sans and he grabbed her by the collar, "Look her little miss, I think I'm stronger than everyone, but have a soft spot for humans. There is something valuable here! If you destroy it. YOU WILL DIE!" Sans's eye started to glow.
Chara heard footsteps run behind them, then Frisk ran towards Sans. After a little, Sans was back to normal.
"Oh dear! We are out of spaghetti!" Mettaton yells. Papyrus rubs from Sans's room, all the way to the kitchen, "WHAT? BUT I JUST GOT SOME YESTERDAY!" "Must've been that annoying mutt." Undyne said while leaning against the wall. "Probably."
Chara walked to couch, after standing on the stairs forever, and sat down. But not before spotting a Flower sillhouet outside the window.
Chara then grew suspicious.
Ooweeooh! It's Flowey time! Yesh. Two chappies in one night. I am awesome. Well... See yeah in the next chapter.


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