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Chara and Frisk woke up early the next morning. They were careful not to wake Sans nor Papyrus as they tiptoed out the door and to the shop of Snowdin.
"If we are gonna do this, we need a stronger weapon." Frisk said and Chara nodded. They walked up to the tired store clerk, "Hi!" "Well howdy! I knew waking up early would do someone good! So whatcha need?" The friendly bunny clerk asked. "We would like bicycles and a manly bandanna, along with that tough glove." The bunny nodded and gave Frisk all they asked for. Frisk gave them money and turned towards Chara, throwing them the tough glove.
"Alright. Let's go." Frisk put the manly bandanna around their head and started walking, "Wait." Chara said pulling Frisk back, "How is the defense item supposed to work if we are seperate?" Frisk thought for a moment, then held out their hand, "We'll just join together again." Chara hesitated, then grabbed Frisk's hand. Their souls started to glow, then the two halves we put together.
"Alright... Ready to go?" A ghost like Frisk asked. Chara nodded.
Frisk is like that because they are doing the genocide run and when someone looks at them, all they see is chara, not frisk. Just to clear things up
They walked out of Snowdin and all the way to the glitched door, "Time to grind I guess." Frisk said. Chara nodded. They walked down the path to Snowdin, killing any and all monsters they find. Until finally, when they got into battle, no one came.
So far they have gained three levels, making them level 5. Chara hesitantly walked to Snowdin, seeing all the monsters gone...
"This is really looking like a bad idea..." Frisk admitted, "Too late to turn back now. And if we reset, Flowey can get the souls with the same method again..." Chara said. Frisk nodded a little down. They continued walking until they passed Sans and Papyrus's house. They continued walking until they saw a sad Sans in the middle of the path they were headed down, "hey kiddo... where's frisk?" He asked a little worried. Chara didn't answer and continued forward, but Sans grabbed their arm, "uhh... look... i don't know what you are doing chara... but... please don't kill pap..." Chara sighed, "I'm sorry Sans..." Chara broke loose and continued walking.
They only took a few steps before they saw something glowing below them. Chara looked down and saw bones about to arise from the ground. Their eyes widened and Frisk jumped and pushed them out of the way. Chara turned their head to look at Sans and noticed that one of his eyes were glowing blue, "if you want to kill my brother, you're going to have to kill me first." He threatened. Gaster blasters appeared behind him. "We are not prepared to fight him." Frisk said. Chara nodded, "I know. We just have to flee." Frisk nodded and just as the gaster blaster shot, Chara bolted along with Frisk.
Bones were flying past their heads as they ran. They finally meet Papyrus who was looking both scared and worried, "HUMAN? WHAT IS GOING ON?" Frisk stepped up to answer, but then stepped back when they remembered they can't be seen, so Chara spoke instead, "Papyrus! You have to do us a huge favour!" Papyrus's head cocked as another bone flew past Chara's head, "WHAT CAN THE GREAT PAPYRUS DO FOR YOU?" Chara hesitated, "I need to kill you..."
Papyrus's eyes grew wide, but he nodded, "IF THAT IS WHAT THE HUMAN NEEDS TO DO... I BELIEVE YOU ARE DOING IT FOR GOOD." Papyrus opens his arms, "I WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS!" Chara hesitated again, but punched Papyrus many times, killing him. The bones stopped going passed Chara's head, "I... BELIEVE IN YOU HUMAN... DO THE RIGHT THING..." Then his head vanished after it fell off.
Chara covered their eyes with their hair and sighed. Frisk pulled on their sleeve, "Sans is not too far..." Chara nodded and without turning around, they started walking. Frisk followed.
While they were leaving, a little flower appeared near Papyrus's dust, "Hello Sans!" He said kinda down, "You okay?" He asked. Sans didn't answer as he walked to the dust and looked down at it, his face full of hate. "Look Sans... I know how you must feel... All this hate, betrayal... So... I hope you and me can work together." Flowey brought out the missing Papyrus scarf, "I found it while I was following Frisk and Chara to the Ruins..."
Sans slowly grabbed the fabric, "hmm... say... flower... why do you suppose chara would suddenly act up like this?" Sans asked. Flowey was a little taken back by this question, "I don't know. Maybe it was the burning desire to kill again?" Sans shook his head, "that doesn't make any sense... plus frisk wouldn't just go upright and say i want you kill everyone chara, and then they fused again... there has to be a reason..." Sans clutched the scarf tightly.
Flowey didn't respond, "well... whatever the reason, i'm going to find it out. thanks for nothing you talking pile of petals." He said and started walking away while wrapping the scarf around his neck. Flowey scoffed and looked at the dust, "Looks like it's going to take a lot more convincing to get that smiley trash on my side, right, Papyrus?" Flowey questioned.
The souls started glowing and swirled around the dust, making it glow. The blue soul takes it place inside Papyrus's chest. Flowey was laughing manically as all this happened.
The walk through waterfall was like the walk to Snowdin, but a lot more quiet. Soon after they arrived, all the monsters were gone. They bought some sea tea from the old turtle.
They found some ballet shoes and an old tutu. Chara was dragging their feet as they walked on. "Hey Chara?" Chara turned their head towards Frisk, "What do you think would happen if we can't kill Sans? If we don't have the heart?" Chara shrugged, "Then it's the end of monsters and humanity as we know it."
Frisk stayed silent after that. They walked and walked, until they reached the area where you would normally meet monster kid on the bridge, "The Undyne fight..." Chara muttered.
Frisk nodded and soon they stopped as they heard a faint scream. They both turned around to see Monster Kid running up to Chara, "Yo!" He looked around, "Where's Frisk?" He asked, "Not available." Chara answered, "Why?" He asked a little disappointed.
"Monster kid..!" A faniliar voice called out. Monster Kid turned around and his face grew into a huge smile, "Hi Undyne!" He said excited. Undyne looked at Chara with a hurt look, "Chara... I thought you were my little buddy..." Monster kid turned around, "What does she mean? Thought?" His face was wearing a confused expression.
Chara looked at both of them. Frisk stayed silent as Chara was just staring at the pair of monsters. "Look... I'm sorry about this, but this is to help all of you." Then Chara spun and attempted to kick Monster Kid, but Undyne stepped in and took the hit.
"U-Undyne!" Monster kid stuttered, "I'm okay... Go! Run away!" Monster Kid nodded and ran, fell, then ran again.
Undyne started to dissolve, "Look... I don't know what happened to you kid, but I won't let you harm anymore monsters!" She yelled and morphed into Undyne the Undying,
then, Frisk and Chara were pulled into battle.
So, what dd ya'll think? I like it. Things are starting to get serious, oh, and by the way, this is like a twenty chapter book, so... Yeah. Enjoy!


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