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Chara and Frisk were walking along the path to Muffet's before getting caught into some webs, causing them to slow down. Chara trudged on, "We are in Muffet territory." Frisk said looking at all the webs and spiders hanging off the roof, "Really? I hadn't noticed." Chara said sarcastically. Frisk rolled their eyes. They walked on until finally they heard the giggle of Muffet, "Ahuhuhuhuhu..." They turned and faced the laughing spider, "I heard you don't like spiders..." Chara pulled them into battle, "Easy boss, right Chara?" Frisk questioned. Chara nodded.
"Ahuhuhuhu. Good luck." Chara smirked, "Don't need it." Then they hit FIGHT and kicked the poor spider. She had a shocked face, then dissolved. A moment later a spider carrying a piece of paper came out, saw the dust, walked away, then walked back with a rose.
It placed it down where Muffet was standing and almost immediately Chara felt a huge pang in their chest, "Frisk... I... I understand more and more of how hard it is to kill everyone..." Frisk nodded. They were outside of battle, the webs easier to travel through, "I've made so many friends, and I wanted to make more. Now... I can't..." Chara dropped to their knees. Frisk sat down next to them, "This isn't easy for the both of us... I had to watch my mom get killed, one of my best friends, another best friend, and then Monster Kid..." Chara sighed, "I am friends with all of them... Muffet, Undyne, Papyrus... Monster Kid..." Frisk hugged their knees and let out a loud sigh, "But... What is able to keep me moving is knowing the fact that this will all save them! That's how we should both be thinking about this situation..." Frisk explained. Chara nodded, "Yeah... I'm just not used to this at all..." Frisk sighed, "You will. It takes time." Chara nodded, Frisk stood up and held out there hand, "Come on. Let's go save all monsters." Chara smiled and grabbed Frisk's hand. They pulled them up and they walked on.
Sans was not too far behind. Of course he couldn't see Frisk, but he knew... Frisk was there. He grunted and walked away with Papyrus by his side, "pap..?" "Yes brother?" "I need your help with something..." Papyrus nodded, "Of course I will help!" Sans cringed at how soft Papyrus's voice was and nodded, "Great. Let's go then." He said and grabbed Papyrus's wrist, teleporting them away.
Chara and Frisk were walking side by side, past the stage where Mettaton was supposed to sing to them, through hotland, killing any monster they run into, and into the elevator they go. They press floor L3 and they move to the location. Once they get there they walk out into the quiet land. "Hmm... Never gonna get used to how quiet and dead everything is..." Frisk commented, Chara nodded, agreeing. "So... The next main boss would be Mettaton right?" Chara asked and Frisk nodded, "That's correct." They walk Chara wipes their forehead as beads of sweat start to form. They walk on, forgetting about the heat. Until they got stopped, "Hey! You!" Chara stopped in their tracks and turned around, "You! What are you doing out here? It's dangerous!" Two guards in black armour came up to Chara and stopped as they realized who it was, "Hey 01... Doesn't that look like the person we are supposed to keep an eye out for?" Guard 01 looked at the piece of paper with a photo on it, then looked a Chara. This went on for a bit, back and forth, back and forth. Until finally he stopped and nodded, "Yup. That's the kid." Guard 02 nodded, "Okay, then STOP human!" Then they pulled Chara into battle and starting bobbing in sync. Chara clicked the FIGHT button, then attacked guard 02, killing him instantly.
Guard 01 started freaking out, "No! We were going to get ice cream after this!" He complained. "Wait, I thought they weren't together yet..." Chara told Frisk, "Remember I went through my timeline until Asgore." "Ohhhh~ Right." Chara said and clicked FIGHT and attacked the other guard. He dissolved and they started walking again, and every monster that stops them, they kill.
As they were getting to the elevator to move on after killing 40 monsters, something occured to Chara, "Wait... If you are doing a pacifist run, and I am doing a genocide, is that going to affect anything?" Frisk thought about it for a moment, then shrugged, "Who knows. We won't until we see Sans." Chara nodded and they stepped out of the elevator to find Sans standing there. "heya." He greeted, "Sans?" Chara questioned and Sans nodded, "of course. who else?"
Chara bit their lip, "Uh... Sans... Can I just apologize for killing Papyrus?" Sans doesn't react, instead he pulled something out of his pocket. Chara tried to make sense of what it was was until it hit them, "Th-that's one of the souls." They stuttered, "How?" They asked. "a little flower decided to try and trick me by putting this soul inside a fake papyrus, then asked me to get revenge." He looked at Chara and where Frisk was supposed to be standing, "look. i believe you really have a good reason for killing every monster. So when you get to me. we can try and figure things out, kay?" Sans asked and Chara nodded happily, "Of course!" Sans smiled and teleported away.
Chara and Frisk stepped out of the elevator and looked at all the empty halls. "Wish there was some monsters we didn't have to kill..." Chara said as they started walking into a door, alongside Frisk.
They kept walking until stopped when they meet a box figure, "Oh? Has the monster killer arrive yet?" Lights flashed on as the first Mettaton appeared, "You know Chara, I thought we could have been dance partners. But I guess that all ends..." Chara felt a pang in their chest, "I'm sorry..." They whispered out. Frisk patted their back.
Then they were pulled into battle and Chara hovered their hand over the FIGHT button.
Did this one seem rushed or too short or something? Idk. I'm liking it though. THIS BOOK IS ALMOST AT ITS END! Wahhh! ;-;
But don't worry, I'll try to make the ending amazing. :)


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