Chapter Nineteen - High School Royalty Part I

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Chapter Nineteen - High School Royalty

Audrey sipped her cappuccino and admired the way the gentle morning light sparkled prettily off the lapis lazuli Aztec bracelet on her wrist. It was the latest present from her father and a real attention-grabber. It had sparked the interest of everyone. Audrey frowned. Everyone except for one guy. Even the Lewis twins had made some remark about it.  And yet, he barely spared her a glance. Audrey scowled. He might be the king of the school but she was queen. Surely, she deserved more?

“What’s wrong? Why are you sighing when you have a bracelet like that?” Ria commented. “It’s to die for.”

Audrey smiled. “It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? Papa had it modelled after the latest Aztec find in Chile.”

“Totally. And it’s one of a kind too,” Ria gushed. “You’re so lucky.”

“I know right.” Audrey’s smile widened. Then, she sighed again. “But Adrian won’t even notice me! He totally ignored me when I spoke to him yesterday. Even Emma got more attention!”

Ria’s hands tightened around her own cappuccino. “Really?” she asked, her tone audibly colder but Audrey continued, too wrapped up in her troubles to notice, or care.

“Yes! And she was talking to him about the finance of the student council! Seriously! I mean, can there be a more boring topic than money?” Audrey threw up her hands in frustration before hurriedly patting down the stray strands of hair that were not in their proper position. 

The glittering bracelet jingled up and down, reflecting the sunlight straight into Ria’s eyes. Ria temporarily relaxed her grip on her cup and held up a hand to shield her eyes.

“Oops, I’m sorry,” Audrey said. “Anyway, it’s so annoying. You know, the day before yesterday, he…”

Audrey sighed internally. Annoying was a huge understatement. To be ignored by a guy like that was a pretty big blow to a girl’s ego. Especially when the guy was totally hot, smart, popular, rich, in short, utterly perfect.

Meanwhile, Audrey’s own social status and power was crumbling. Ever since that Eleanore bitch became secretary, she had been interfering with the social ladder. Protecting those wusses. Eleanore had messed everything up. But Audrey had been here first. This was her home. She would do everything to secure her position within it.

And there happened to be one thing the most popular guy in the school did not have. And that was a girlfriend. Audrey was perfectly capable of filling that post. Or so she thought.

But Audrey did not tell Ria any of these dark, depressing thoughts. Ria and her were friends now, but there was no predicting what would happen in the future. It wasn’t very hard to turn friends against one another – how many times had she orchestrated the break-ups of friends?

So instead, Audrey complained about some trivial stuff she didn’t really care about while Ria nodded in the right places of a monologue she wasn’t interested in.

Anyway, for Ria, there were more interesting developments at hand. A familiar black Mercedes was driving up the porch. A smile involuntarily crept up her lips as the tall handsome blond guy emerged from the car. Maybe, she should make up some excuse to ditch Audrey and catch up with him. But her smile faded immediately as the guy opened the car door and a brunette stepped out.

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