Chapter Eight- The Case of the Missing Bracelet

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Chapter Eight- The Case of the Missing Bracelet

Emma, I concluded after a lengthy observation, was one of the most beautiful girls that I had ever seen. And that was saying something. For in Thornwell, gorgeous ladies were aplenty. Beauty seemed to follow brains and talents. And on top of that, she looked compassionate and honest. It was like a three-in-one package! Emma seemed to be the embodiment of it.

Emma had mid-length hazel brown hair. Most of her wavy hair was tied up neatly in a high ponytail, with loose natural ringlets left down to frame her oval face. She had a small upturned nose. I wondered if raindrops would ever slip into her nose. Now there, how unkind of me. There was a sprinkling of freckles at the tip of her nose and her cheekbones. The freckles stood out clearly against her flawless fair skin but it made her looked prettier. I sighed. Emma was the exact picture of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty or Belle.

“A pleasure to meet you, Eleanore,” she said, her voice soft and gentle. How could anyone believe that she could do something dishonest?

“Nice to meet you, Emma,” I replied, still a little disoriented by her genuinely sweet charm. 

“Now, now, we’d better start. We don’t have much time left,” Danielle said impatiently, motioning for all of us to sit down. We, that is to say, all members of the Quartess and Emma obediently obeyed her. It would not do to cross Danielle when she was impatient.

“Is it okay if I record this?” Danielle asked, pressing the ‘On’ button on her recorder.

“Sure,” was Emma’s reply .

“So, can you tell us in detail what happened on the afternoon of the 1st of October?” Danielle asked, going into her professional journalist mode.

“Well, I left school at around 5 p.m. to purchase the class gift at Lauren Gift Shop. I probably reached there at 5.15 p.m.” Emma said, fiddling with her hands worriedly.

“You walked there?”


“Where is this shop?”

“It is located at 12 Novena Street.”

“Okay, please continue.”

“So I just paid for the bracelet which was already placed in a box and wrapped by the assistant.”

“What does the bracelet look like?”

“It is made of silver and it has the class motto, ‘Life brings us tears, smiles, and memories--the tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever’.”

“Oh, how about the box?”

“It is a square, royal blue box. With a big blue bow.”

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