Chapter Twenty-Six - A Different Point of View

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Chapter Twenty-Six - A Different Point of View

It was on the cusp between spring and summer. Everyone seemed excited at the prospect of warmer weather. Especially the fan girls. Adrian's eye twitched and he glanced through the open window to see what had the girls making such a din.

"Avery's 189.97474 cm tall!" squealed a brunette.

"No! He's 189.67774cm!" shrieked her friend.

"You're both wrong! He can't be that short. He's 189.99744cm!" corrected the third girl. And so, they continued arguing.

Wasn't one decimal place more than enough? This was the height of a guy, not the time taken to swim fifty metres in the Olympics. What difference did the last few numbers make to Avery's height? How the girls could take the effort to remember stuff like this, he was too puzzled to understand.

"WHAT? Adrian pulled out the chair for this very beautiful and elegant exotic princess..."

Adrian sighed. What again? Why was his name dragged into rumours? Was he going to meet such a princess in his life?

He closed his eyes, trying to block out the noise and find some peace. Things were happening at such a breakneck pace, he barely had time for himself.


"Since its establishment in 1922 by Mr Harold Hamilton I, the Hamilton bank has been one of the leading financial services firms with global scale and reach, in both commercial and investment banking. Its clients include corporations, governments, states, municipalities, healthcare organisations, educational institutions, banks and investors in countries all around the world.

"When Mr H. Hamilton II passed away, his two sons took the helm of the bank, Mr James Hamilton, the only son by his first wife whom he divorced, and Mr Andrew Hamilton, son by his second wife. The younger Hamilton held both the position of Chairman of the Hamilton bank and the CEO of the investment bank while his older half-brother took the position of CEO of the commercial bank.

"When Mr Andrew Hamilton passed away in an unfortunate helicopter accident last year, Mr James Hamilton ascended to the position of Chairman, while maintaining his current post as CEO of the commercial bank..."

Adrian put down the newspaper article, frustrated and exhausted. Ever since his father's death, rumours had been rife that the accident was no accident. It was never explicitly spoken out loud but in corners, people kept whispering that the helicopter crash might have been planned, that it was suspicious.

By many different routes, those rumours reached his ears. They plagued him. Something had to be amiss to inspire such terrible gossip. He had never had any peaceful moment since the accident.

Then, one day, his mother had recovered enough to talk with him. Adrian had learned more about his father's job. The many delicate matters of business.

His head had felt like exploding, a fire was raging inside. He felt feverish. He was confounded, disbelieving, stunned at all that he had heard. He had no idea how or where to start. Picking up the pieces and fragments his father left behind.

Helplessness was a horrible emotion. It trapped him, suffocated him, sucked all the hope out, leaving the world a bleak and dreary grey.

Desperate, he got in his car and sped off, to where he didn't know. Somewhere, anywhere. Some place to soothe this troubled mind. Some place with the colour of hope, joy.

It was in a such turbulent mood that he saw Eleanore that day.

That was when he saw Eleanore near a bus stop.

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