Chapter three

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I woke up the next morning with Rain laying on my left side, curled against me. I smiled and sat up carefully, trying not to wake him up.

I walked to the kitchen and began to make breakfast when I heard the familiar whimpering. I quickly went back to my room and wrapped my arms around Rain.

"Ssh. Ssh. It'll be okay. I'm right here. No one's going to hurt you," I soothed, knowing that if I didn't stop the nightmare he would start screaming and would shut me out for the whole day. Once the whimpers stopped I got back up and went back to making breakfast.

I made pancakes, bacon and hash browns. I made two plates and went to wake up Rain and give him his food. I stopped when I saw him, he looked like an angel; he was completely tranquil, no sign of the nightmare. His black hair fell into his eyes and his lips were pouting, ever so slightly. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I could see some of his scars peeking up from behind the blanket. I imagined the feel of his lips against mine and had to remind myself that he doesn't like be woken up by kissing to keep myself from doing it. I walked to the side of the bed, setting the plates on the bedside table, I leaned to whisper in his ear.

"Rain, it's time to get up," I cooed. He groaned, rolled onto his back and stretched, arching his back. He sat up looking at me through half lidded eyes.


"Good morning, angel," I smiled, giving him his food. We ate in a comfortable silence which was only broken when we had to get ready. I took the plates back downstairs and loaded the dishwasher.

When I got back upstairs Rain was going through my drawers, looking for clothes. I helped him find clothes that wouldn't be to baggy on him then picked out my own outfit. We showered and went to pick up Rain's stuff from his hotel.

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