Chapter four

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After we dropped Rain's stuff off at home and he changed into a comfortable outfit, I decided to take Rain on a tour of LA, Chase style, which meant that I introduced him to celebrities and we made out, a lot. We met Rain's favorite celebrities first, at least the ones that were in town. I loved the way his eyes lit up when he saw them for the first time and how he rambled nervously, spouting random fact and asking questions about their day to day life and their rolls and how when he ran out of things to say he would unconsciously puff out his cheeks and how he fixed his hair and checked his appearance at least six times before each meeting.

At eleven o'clock, after meeting twenty people, I heard his stomach growl so I took him to my favorite restaurant, La Noche, a nice Italian restaurant. I opened his door for him and wrapped my arm around his waist, trying to be as much of a gentleman as I could. We were walk towards the restaurant when an SUV sped past, going to fast for a day when the roads were slick with rain water, and splashed Rain, soaking the front of his shirt. I tried to bite my tongue but I couldn't and I started laughing but quickly recovered and apologized. He laughed and went back to the jeep and grabbed a jacket, that I had laying in the backseat for emergencies.

We got inside without any further incident. The restaurant was almost empty. Only ten other people were there, three groups. We stopped at the hostess stand, waiting to be shown to a table. A pretty waitress with blonde hair that came to the top of her butt and clear blue eyes walked up to us, telling us to follow her to our table. I pulled Rain's chair out for him and sat down, we glanced over the menu, quickly picking out drinks. I ordered a Dr. Pepper and Rain ordered a cherry limeade. She left to get our drinks and we looked over the food items.

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