Chapter five

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We left the restaurant and I decided to take Rain shopping, I hadn't gotten a chance to spoil him in a while and since it was one of my favorite things to do I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I drove to a near by mall and parked in a secluded area, where my jeep was less likely to be spotted and recognised.

We hurried inside, hoping the paparazzi wouldn't find us. I had my face hidden under my hood. We went straight to Hot Topic because that was Rain's favorite store. I smiled when I saw his eyes light up at the store, which was bigger than any other hot topic he had been in. He grabbed my hand and pulled me around the store. Showing me all the stuff he liked, hated, wanted, 'couldn't live without' and 'never wanted to have to see again.'

I thought it was the cutest thing how excited he got about his favorite shows, movies, bands and comics, everyone always said that hot topic was for emo people but I knew they were wrong because most of the stuff that they sold was for nerds. I grabbed a few of the things he wanted but 'could never afford' and bought them when he was distracted by Deadpool merchandise. I laughed and led him out of the store. He whined that he wanted to buy a new Batman jacket but when I told him the stuff I had bought was for him he stopped, in favor of whining that I didn't need to buy him anything and that he had his own money.

I led him over to Candyopolis and we bought over ten pounds (4.53 kg) of candy; chocolates, sour candies, gummies, jawbreakers, suckers, every kind of candy they had I bought. I smiled as Rain stuffed his face with candy. 'I've been smiling a lot lately,' I realized as we left the store. We were walking around eating candy when we came across a stand where you could rent a scooter that looked like an animal. A checked out two for two hours and we rode them around. After about thirty minutes Rain decided that we should race. So we stopped so that we were next to each other and decided we would race to the fountain in the middle of the mall.

"Ready...set...go!" I yelled and we raced across the mall. Rain won by five seconds but I was having to much fun to care. We rode around for three more minutes when we saw a little girl with a prosthetic leg crying that she wanted to ride one. Her mom looked sad and distressed. She told her daughter that they couldn't afford one. So, I looked at Rain and we had a silent conversation. We rode over to the mom.

"Ma'am, if you want you can have ours. There is about a hour and a half left on them," Rain offered.

"No, thank you. I couldn't possibly let you waist you're money like that," she denied.

"Its not a waist of money if you use them," Rain argued.

"Are you sure?" she asked cautiously.


"Okay," she agreed. Me and Rain climbed off off the scooters. "Thank you. Dani, we have scooters."

The little girl ran over from the sunglasses stand she looking at, three feet away, looking as happy as a kid on Christmas.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she squealed and hugged us both tightly. She looked up at me when she hugged me, excitement and shock filled her eyes as she realized who I was, I put my finger to my lips in a quiet symbol. She smiled and grabbed a small notebook and pen from her mom's purse, I signed twice; first as a message to her saying that I hoped she enjoyed the scooters then on a second piece of paper I sign just my name, in case she ever wanted to sell it. They left, Dani bragging about the autograph while the mom looked flustered about not recognizing me.

Rain and I went back to walking around. We flew little drones around for a minute and I bought one. Then we went to a shoe store that I didn't bother reading the name of.

I bought three pairs of shoes, black nikes, white addidas and red Reebok, for me. And two for Rain, blue Reebok and black addidas. We spent almost five hours at the mall, I bought presents, new outfits, paint and new furniture for the twins. When we finally left I was carrying twelve shopping bags full of stuff and Skylar was carrying six, since we were having the furniture delivered we didn't have to carry it.

"I can't believe you bought me all of this," Skylar said as we walked to me jeep, half pouting, half shocked.

"Get used to this. Now that you live here I'll be showering you in attention, love and presents, almost constantly," I informed him.

I drove us back to our house. 'It's our house. Our house. I'm never going to get over the butterflies I get when I think that,' I realized, smiling as broadly as I could.

"Ok, let's get you unpacked, then we'll eat the rest of our candy and watch a movie," I told him.

"Yeah, movie night with you. I've missed them so much," he cheered and ran to the front door. I quickly hopped out and followed him. I unlocked the door and we went inside.

I went upstairs to our bedroom and unzipped one of Rain's bags. I started to put his clothes in the empty drawers. I got them put away and thought the bag was empty, I set it aside but I heard something move inside of it. I was confused and curious, so I opened all the pockets until I found the thing that had moved.

I smirked and hid it under the mattress. I went back to unpacking. It took one hour to get all of his stuff unpacked.

"You know you were supposed to help me, right?" I asked Rain as I walked into the living room.

"I figured you could handle it. Or did you need my help?" he snarked.

"No. But I found something hidden in one of your bags that I will torture you with later," I threatened.

"What did you find?" he asked in confusion and worry.

"Oh, nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about," I said, slyly.

"Please, tell me what you found," he begged.

"Nope. But I'll give you a hint. Practise your begging voice," I teased. He blushed, his eyes widened and he hid his face in his hands.

"Can we start the movie night now?" he asked, pleading.

"Of course," I stated. I picked up the remote and turned the TV to the channel that played movies. I put on white house down.

We watched as the opening started. I couldn't help but sneak peaks at Rain through out the movie.

Once the closing credits began to roll I turned the tv off and scooped Rain up into my arms. I carried him upstairs and into my room. I dropped him on the bed and smirked at his confused expression. I reached under the mattress and pulled out the vibrator.

"Are you ready to be tortured?" I teased.

His eyes widened and he squirmed, trying to get out of his pants.

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