imagine for Nono - niall - romantic.

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you put your cherry lip gloss on and eye liner you wore a mickey mouse jumper, skinny jeans and a black and pink supra. it was winter in Ireland and its freezing, you and Niall got your shoes on and went outside, you and Niall had a snowball fight for 2 hours 

"ha ha I'm winning" you said throwing a snowball and hitting Niall in the face with it.

"not for long" Niall said as he started running towards you, before you could run he tackled you to the floor and sat on you. your face was in the snow, it was funny a little bit Niall sat on your head and you've been forced to eat snow.

"get off me" you said wiggling around to get Niall off you.

"do you admit i win ? " he said smirking.

"yeah,yeah i lost you won , now get the f*ck off me" you shouted, when you got up your face and clothes were covered in snow your hands where turning purple from the snow being so cold. 

"come on, lets go in, your freezing Nono" Niall says leading you inside your home. you took off your shoes and run yourself a bath. 

"I'm hungry" you whined, you stomach roaring with hunger.

"go get in the bath and i'll do dinner" Niall said kissing you on your forehead.

you got in the bath and washed your hair and body, you smelt like a strawberry and blueberry smell, you got out the bath, dried your self off and went to the bedroom. you changed into your mickey mouse onsie you loved mickey mouse even more than you loved Niall. you straightened and dried your hair and went downstairs. you could smell food from the top of the stirs.

" what we having ?" you say walking into the kitchen and sitting down on the chair in front of the table. 

"were having (your favourite food)" Niall said with a smile placing the plate in front of you. 

" this is my favourite food,thank you" you say smiling before eating your tea/dinner. it was now 8 pm and it was getting dark and started to snow. after your tea's you and Niall both decided to get a blanket and cuddle up together and watch a movie.

" do you want to watch paranormal activity 2" Niall said jokingly, you wasn't very amused. you gave him a are-you-kidding-me look and a are-you-serious look, he knew you didn't want to after Niall picked 3 bad movie that you didn't like. you both decided on scary movie 3. you both watched scary movie 3 then out of the blue ....

"i love you Nono" Niall said looking into your brown eyes and stroking your light brown hair.

"i love you too Niall" you say kissing him n the lips passionately.

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