having a child

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harry: sat in the hospital

" babe will i be okay, i mean this is my first time having a baby and I'm scared" you say nervously and the pain gets worse in your stomach.

" it will be okay babe as long as you keep pushing and pushing and it will soon be over before you know it" harry said trying to calm me down and trying to reassure me in the best possible way he could, then the doctor walked in.

" are you ready miss to bring your new baby girl in to this world" the doctor said with a smile on his face

"yes I'm ready" i say getting a bit nervous. he took me in to the labour room, when i walked in it was already for me so i didn't have to wait long.

" okay miss just take deep breaths and when you feel ready push as hard as you can okay 3-2-1 push" the doctor said, i pushed with all the strength i had in me, it actually surprised me how fast the baby was born it only took one push and she was out. as soon as the doctor cut the cord he handed me the baby.

"what should we call her babe?" harry asked me looking at our sweet baby girl

"i think we should call her Darcy because you like that name" you say smiling at harry 

" hi Darcy this is your daddy harry he will be taking care of you and I'm your mummy y/n when you get older you wont leave me alone you will be following me everywhere 24/7" you say jokingly.before kissing your new baby girl on her forehead.

lLouis: in his car on the way to the hospital

"LOUIS THE BABY IS COMING HURRY UP TO THE HOSPITAL" you screamed, you didn't imagine going in to labour was this painful but there is a first time for everything.  you got to the hospital and rushed to the labour room, Louis waited outside for it to be over all he said was you screaming in pain but he couldn't go in with you because he didn't like seeing you in pain this much the last thing he heard before the doctor came into the waiting room for him was a baby crying.

" Mr tomlinson" the doctor shouted in the waiting room 

"yes doctor" Louis said standing up and walking up to the doctor 

" you new baby boy has arrived do you want to see him?" the doctor said to Louis

"are you stupid, obviously i want to see my new baby boy" Louis said with a smile 

"follow me then" the doctor said before showing Louis to the room you was in, Louis sat down on the chair next to you 

" what do you wanna call the boy babe" Louis asked kissing you on the cheek.

"i was thinking we would name him Louis jr because he looks just like you"

Niall: at home

* on the phone with Niall*

"babe the baby is coming im in labour you have to come straight away" you say panicking 

" okay ill come as soon as i can" Niall said panicking the same as you but not really helping

"HURRY UP FOR THE BABY'S SAKE" you screamed at him from the other end of the phone he wasn't very good at conforting people.

"okay, okay er, what do your in-stinks tell you babe" he said questioning 

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW I'M NOT A PANDA I DON'T HAVE IN-STINKS" you say screaming at him because you was in pain that much., you heard the door burst open and niall picked you up and carried you to hiscar and off you went to hospital as fast as you could]

" in the labour room after the baby was born*

"Mr horan" the doctor shouted in to the waiting room.

"what, whats going on" Niall said getting worried 

" come in to the labour room and i will tell you" the doctor said making Niall follow him

" as you can see you didn't have just one baby you had twins congratulations both of you" the doctor said with a smile.

" Ive named them Michael on The left and amber on the right" you say with a smile, you both was exited that you had twins 

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