the car crash (niall imagine)

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imagine this

"hey do you want to go to kfc, im hungry" you say your stomach is aching of hunger 

" yes sure, lets go in my car" Niall said grabbing the keys of off the table and going to the car. 

"put the radio on please" you say with puppy eyes

"okay" Niall said

* turns on radio"  and one direction - one thing comes on the radio you turn it up max and you both sing along to it but Niall take his eyes off the road to look at a CD to put on that you love but he swerves and crashes into a ditch. you both woke up in the hospital next to Niall 

"what happened" you said to Niall confused he was on crutches 

"we crashed into a ditch i lost control over the car" he said nearly crying,  you heard a knock on your door 

"miss horan ?" the woman said  looking for you

"yes its me, what are my injures ?" you said waiting nervously 

"you need a new heart sweetie sorry but your old heart is too weak to live we are taking you into surgery now.

"sigh okay, bye Niall love you xx" you say kissing him on the lips, he was crying ? for some reason why was he crying i was getting a new heart !?

*after the surgery *

"excuse me, but where is my husband?" you said to the nurse 

"well er ......................... i don't want to say and upset you but he left you this note he said you must read it.. handing you the Letter it said

dear Y/N

when we crashed your heart wasn't working properly, it was too weak.

so when the nurse said you had to have a new heart i gave mine up for you .

id rather die and you live than me live and you die because if you would have died i would have killed myself or died of depression. 

i will see you in heaven later on in live love you too and always will 

love from Niall xx <3

your heart sank, it was heart breaking you started to cry, you cried for 2 hours reading the letter over and over again. it was time for you to go home and move on with your life but you never dated again because you knew your heart belonged to Niall and you would wait forever to be with him again.

*80 years later*

you was very poorly you was in hospital again because you heart is failing again you remembered the last time you was in here it was with Niall. your moniter was beeping normally but soon went dead the last words you said was "

i love you Niall and soon we can be together" was the last words before your moniter went straight there was no heat beat you have died and gone to heaven with Niall, you saw a light , you followed it and saw Niall waiting there for you as soon as he saw you he ran up to you and kissed you passionately for ages. 

"how did you know i was coming to meet you" you said to Niall crying of happiness

" because Ive been watching you and waiting for the time we could be together" he said smiling 

you walked together to heaven and spent forever together never leaving each others side.

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