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Shortly after Calum and I had finished the movie, Michael and Callie arrived back at the apartment. I greeted them, asking them both how it went.

"It was amazing. We're actually officially boyfriend and girlfriend now. I really like Michael," Callie smiled at me while Michael walked towards Calum, Luke, and Ashton to talk.

"That's great! I'm so excited for you guys! Have you talked about your second date?"

"Not yet, but Michael told me we'd talk about it soon. So, what did you do with Calum here for the two or three hours Michael and I were gone?" She asked me.

"Well, we watched a movie and cuddled on the couch for a while. I really liked that. He told me he loved me.. And I said it back," I gushed excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, Lilliana! That's so exciting! Well, I guess you guys do only have about two more weeks to get engaged, huh?"

"Yeah, we were talking about that. I don't think he really cares about the money anymore. He finally said 'I love you' and he's tried to have sex with me a few times. We always talk about our future together, too. I'm so glad I signed up for that challenge."

"You know that if you guys do get married, you'll do an episode on the tv series they have. It usually shows people who have gotten engaged, but realized they completely hate each other and never got married, but you guys will be one of the few that actually get married. You'll get money and be on the show. It'll be really big because of Calum's band, I'll bet you."

"So you're saying that most people that do this challenge end up not married? Like, they get engaged for the money, then they split up and have the money taken from them? And they aren't with the person anymore? You said they completely hated each other?"

"Yeah, well, at least they did on the one episode I watched. Some of the people got married. Others didn't, but they said afterwards that they were just in it for the money. You and Calum aren't doing that. You really do love each other and the money will just be a bonus."

"Yeah, that's what Calum said," I sighed, "I hope we do end up getting married, unlike the others on the show. I'm just glad they aren't following us around while we're dating. That would be terrible."

"I know. I would hate that too."

I walked towards Calum and Michael, "so.. What are you guys talking about?" I asked them.

"We're talking about his date with Callie, probably what you guys were talking about," Calum told me.

"Yeah, we were. We were also talking about you and me, Cal," I smiled, "and how we only have two more weeks to be dating."

"It's not like that's going to go by super quickly," he shrugged, "it's two times the time that we've already had with each other."

"Yeah, that's true," I nodded. I had just noticed that Michael had walked over to Callie to talk to her. They began walking towards Calum and me.

"Lilliana, if it's okay, Michael is going to stay at our apartment tonight," she smiled. I nodded, letting her know that it was okay.

"Actually, I think I'm going to stay here tonight," I told Callie. Calum grinned at me, happy that I was staying the night with him, even though I had a few other times.

"Okay, well, I think we're going to get going," Callie announced, saying goodbye to the three boys and me before leaving with Michael.

"Ash and I are going out to get some drinks. Do you guys want to come?" Luke asked as he walked towards the door with Ashton. Calum and I both denied the offer.

After Luke and Ashton left, it was just me with Calum, and we were all alone. Calum smiled after the door closed behind Ashton.

"We're finally all alone. We haven't been completely alone very much since we started dating almost a week ago," he walked towards the kitchen, and I followed him.

"Yeah, I know. What do you want to do?" I asked.

"We could watch tv. Maybe play scrabble?" He suggested, his back still facing me.

"We are not playing scrabble, Calum. I've told you this before," I scolded, getting a little too mad.

"What do you mean?" He seemed confused, and he tuned towards me. His face showed less confusion as he sighed, "that's not what I mean, Lill. I didn't mean I want to play scrabble. Well, I do, but I know you don't, so we won't. I'm fine with that."

"Okay. I really thought you meant the other scrabble. I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's fine," he laughed, "and I was just joking about playing scrabble, anyways. We could play a game, though."

"Yeah, what do you want to play?" I asked him.

"We could play Clue!" He exclaimed.

"I haven't played that in forever," I sighed, "and it requires me to think, ugh." I joked, laughing.

"Do you want to play Clue?" He asked, "if you do, I can get it out."

"Sure, we can play Clue," I nodded, stopping myself from sitting down and walking back into the kitchen as Calum got the game out.

"Do you want any ice cream?" I asked Calum, knowing exactly where the ice cream bucket was and grabbing it out of the freezer.

"Yes.. Please," he smiled and he got the game out of the box. I got a bowl for myself and got a bowl for him. I walked over to the table, handed him his bowl and began to play Clue with him.

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