DAY 15

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The night before, I had gone back to my apartment and Calum had stayed at his. The morning after our little "date", I went back to his apartment to spend the day with him.

I opened the door to his apartment after getting out of my car and walking up to the door. When I walked in, I saw Luke at the dining table and Ashton in the living room with Michael playing video games. Calum was probably still sleeping.

"Hey.. Luke," I sauntered over to him.

"Hey Lilliana," he smiled, "what do you want?"

"I was just wondering if Calum was still asleep?" I asked him, and he nodded. I muttered a, "thanks" before walking back to Calum's bedroom.

I didn't see Calum in his bed, but I saw his open laptop. I walked back out into the hallway and looked for Calum. I then heard the toilet flush.

I walked back into Calum's room and sat on his bed to surprise him when he came back into his room.

He walked in, saw me, and his eyes bulged so big that I thought they were going to fall out of his head.

He ran to his bed and picked up his laptop before hitting a few keys and shutting it. I had no idea what that was about.

"Calum, what was that for?" I wondered, confused. Did he not want me to see something on there?

"Oh, nothing.. I just wanted my laptop," he shrugged. I could tell he was lying. He continued, "let's go out to the dining room."

I walked behind him to the dining room and sat beside him. He opened his laptop and turned it on.

After it was completely on, I caught a glimpse of a naked woman before he clicked out of the tab. What was that about?

"Calum... Is there something you want to tell me?" I looked at him curiously.

"No, not really. I love you, though," he smiled, probably worried that I saw what he had in his screen. I had seen a portion of it, and I was not happy with what I saw. I was also confused.

"Calum Thomas Hood, tell me right now what was on that computer," I ordered.

He smiled as he turned the computer towards me, "penguins!" I saw pictures of penguins on the screen.

"That's what I looked up yesterday, Calum. Remember? I used your laptop," Luke told him, and Calum sighed.

I took Calum's computer out of his hands and I clicked out of the images page with penguins.

"Hey!" Luke exclaimed because I took away the pictures of penguins.

I clicked up a new tab and hit the search history button. When I did that, Calum shut the laptop right in front of my face.

"Calum Thomas Hood! What do you have to hide from me?" I was getting pissed. I had no idea why he would want to hide something from me.

"Luke, do you know what he's hiding from me?" I looked at Luke, and he shrugged.

"I don't know. I just know that he was up pretty late last night in his room on his laptop," Luke explained. I focused my eyes on Calum, trying to get him to crack and to tell me what he was doing.

"I was looking at pictures of you, okay?" He told me. I didn't believe him this time either.

"Were you jerking off? Is that why you're trying to hide this from me?"

"Maybe.." He answered. I rolled my eyes, telling him I didn't believe him. I opened the computer again and put in the password Calum had told me. He again shut the laptop right in front of me.

I took the laptop in my hands and ran back to his room. I locked the door and soon heard banging.

"Baby, let me in!" He begged, hitting the door two more times.

"Not until I find out what you're hiding from me!" I yelled back out to him. I could hear him sigh loudly as I heard a thump.

"Calum, what was that?" I asked but got no answer.

"Calum?" I called once more, "Calum?"

I sat the laptop on his bed and walked to the door. I opened it slowly to see if Calum was okay. He was standing there, and he pushed the door in.

"Calum, no!" I screamed, closing the door on him and locking it, "I'm going to see what you're hiding!"

"It's nothing that bad," he sighed.

"Then why are you trying this hard to hide it?" I questioned.

"I just don't know how you'll react to it..."

I put Calum's password into his computer and the tab I had open popped up. I again hit the search history button and at the top, I saw links to websites. There were quite a few of them, and I wasn't sure of what they were. I clicked on the top one and it opened a link to a porn website..

"Calum, you were watching porn?" I asked as I opened the door to see him there. He nodded, his head hanging down.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"You know I don't like that.. It's not right to watch porn, Calum. Please don't watch any more porn," I begged.

"I won't," he promised. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. I couldn't figure out why he was hiding that from me. I shrugged it off and was just glad that I knew what he had been doing so he wasn't hiding anything.

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