Don't be Scared

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Morro's pov

Here I was, sitting in my bubble. The preeminent was using whatever was left of her power to keep everything inside of her alive.

So I guess, in a way, we were still her babies.

I looked at where Bansha, Soul Archer, Goultar, and Wrayth all sat in their bubbles. They were dreaming. Most likely of freedom, family, and life.

I felt myself yawn, and decided I would try to sleep tonight. I've been avoiding it. Sleep is something that never came naturally to me. I always either had a nightmare, or had a dream that I never wanted to end.

I closed my eyes, and slowly allowed myself to pass from the Cursed Realm, to the dream realm.

I was on the bounty. I shrugged. Most likely a past memory, since it was nightime.

I moved forward, and my feet took me straight to the ninja's room.

There were five beds. A red one, a black one, a white one, a blue one, and a green one.

Lloyd's was unoccupied.

My feet then took me back to the upper deck, to see Lloyd sitting on the edge of the flying ship.

I sat next to him. I felt safe near him. I knew he could protect me.

It wasn't until then that I noticed him crying.

"I can't. I don't want to sleep," he said, crying into his hands.

I placed an arm around him. I knew that even though this was only a dream, I had to comfort him.

"It's okay, Lloyd. You don't need to worry," I whispered into his ear. He smiled softly, and his tears disappeared.

"If I sleep, I'll see him again," he said, starting to stand up. But the second I let go of him, he sat back down.

"But he'll be in pain."


"I miss him. Why do I miss him? He hurt me. I should hate him!" Somehow, I knew who he was talking about.


"Shhh. Don't be scared. I'm right here," I whispered, holding him tight. He stood up, smiling. He started walking to his room, and my dream ended.

I woke up, and still, everyone around me was asleep.

But now, I could sleep.

Love, it's crazy.

So, here is chapter two! I can ONLY, hope that this wasn't too bad. I know that not many people ship this, BUT IT IS MAH OTP!! NOBODY MESSES WITH MAH OTP! YOU! YEAH YOU! I SEE YOU! DON'T YOU DARE FIRE AT MY SHIP! DON'T! I SEE YOU WRITIN' THAT HATE COMMENT!

But in all seriousness, (really?) please no hate. I only JUST started Wattpad, and I have no idea what to do. To be honest, I just like writing. HECK, I'M MAJORING IN IT!! And yes, I am in college.

Best wishes,

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