Is Love Real?

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Morro's pov

"Can I kiss you?"

The words echoed in my head. My evil side was laughing, looking at the innocent boy next to me.

"You'll never need to ask." And with that, I closed the gap between us, and kissed him sweetly on the lips. I felt his arms around my neck, so I put mine around his waist. I also lifted him onto my lap, and he wrapped his legs around my waist.

Ooh, maybe he wants you. Take it farther

I ignored my evil side, and stopped. Lloyd looked at me like I had just slapped him.

"Was, I not doing it right?" he asked.

"No, you were, but, if we took it farther. Look, I can't hurt you again," I said, looking away.

"It's okay. I understand. You'll be fine. I won't let it get that far. I'll always help," he said, turning my head back to face him.

We kissed again, and my evil side was nowhere to be heard. All that was in me was, good.

"I think I love you," I whispered to the blonde. He giggled.

"What?" I asked, confused

"Here, there, everywhere. That's our love."

"But how do you know that it's real?"

"Because, I let you go for a while, and you came back to me."

I looked down at him, and hugged him. He was so wise. Hard to believe he was only a kid. I then remembered his father.

"Lloyd, I have to tell you something," I said. He looked up at me.

"What is it?" he asked. I sighed, took him off of my body, and turned away from him.

"Your father, was alive," I said. I heard him gasp, and turned back to look at him.

"The preeminent was using her power to keep us all safe in air bubbles. But, as her power faded, so did the bubbles. Your father's was the first to pop," I explained. I watched as a tear fell down his fale cheek.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"What are you sorry for?" he asked. "You couldn't have stopped it, right?"

I couldn't have. The bubbles wouldn't let ANYTHING leave.

I nodded, and he hugged me again.

"I'm gonna head to my room. Night," he said, leaving my room. I nodded, and lay my head down on the bed.

That night, I had a dream of me and Lloyd. And it was a little, sexy.

I cannot write the dream in this chapter, but definitly next chapter. Hope you enjoyed! The weekend is coming up, so I'll have a few free days to update. Maybe three updates a day then.....?

Best wishes,

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