chapter 2

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*Rachel's POV*

it is now Saturday and I'm packing my bag for the best sleepover EVER!! I just finished packing my blue bikini and bathroom supplies and I head down the stairs to say goodbye to my parents. I'm not 18 which means legally I am an adult so I can just go out.

"Mommy?" I know what your thinking 'she still calls her mom mommy?' and yes I do I've called since I was two and I'm not stopping now. "Yes?" she asks "I'm going to Katie's house with all the girls for a sleepover!" "okay have fun peanut! call me in the morning to let me know when your coming home." "Okay! Bye I love you!" "Love you too!" and with that I walk out of the house with my pillow, bag, and keys.

It only takes me about 10 minutes at the most to get to Katie's house and when I arrive everyone is there except Rina. Rina is always late because she goes home and stares at her Liam posters. I do the same but with Zayn and Harry, and not ALL day! "Hey Rachel come on in and get your swim suit on were going swimming when Rina gets here.. if she ever does?" they all talk at once and start laughing. I giggle and nod and hug all of them and walk into the sleeping area to drop my pillow. I then walk into the bathroom to change.

I look at myself in the mirror and cringe. I'm not one who's insecure about everything but sometimes io feel not pretty enough but when I hear 'What Makes You Beautiful' I feel beautiful for 3 minutes and 19 seconds. I don't think of myself of as ugly though, I just think I'm not gorgeous as other girls.. I just think im pretty.

I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. "Rachel? its Rina let me in I need to change too!" I open the door and hug her and say "so u decided to join and stop staring at Liam?" I let out a chuckle as she just rolls her eyes, smirks and replies by "Oh don't act like you don't!" "I never said I didn't!!" We start laughing and by the time we are done talking and laughing we walk out and say "Lets go! We're ready!" in unison. we give each other a weird luck and walk out laughing walking  down to the community pool.

By the time we arrive, (which only takes like 5 minutes) its already about 7 o'clock. so we decide on the Jacuzzi. we all jump in and are surrounding the perimeter of the spa. we all start talking about random things and finally we decide to play truth or dare.

"So Rachel.. truth or dare?" Bella asks.

"Truth." I reply

"which one of the boys from One Direction would you marry, kiss, date, best friends, brother?"

"I would marry.. hmmmmm... I would marry Zayn, kiss Harry, date Niall, be best friends with Louis, and Liam as my brother."

"nice. okay now your turn to dare or truth somebody." Lauren says and we all laugh at her mix up of words.

"okieeeeeee hmmmmm Hailey! truth or dare?"


"I dare you to go up to that couple over there in the pool stand right in front of them and say 'don't have sex. you'll get pregnant and die. k? k thanks.' and walk away"

"Ugh. Fine." we all watch her as she gets up and walks up to the couple. 30 seconds pass by and she walks back and starts crying. "Hailey are you okay?!?!" she doesn't say anything for a few seconds so being the sassy and strong-willed person I am, I get out of the Jacuzzi and start walking towards the young couple. I'm not even facing them and I start to say "what in the world did you say to my friend?! You made her-" as I turn around to face them I realized I was eye locking with Harry Styles. The one and only Harry Styles. The Harry Styles I have been crushing on for 3 years, posting photos of on instagram with #mancrushmonday. Ya that Harry Styles. And Taylor swift....

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