Chapter 4

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The next morning I got up earlier than I planned. I was just so nervous for what was coming up in the next couple hours.

I got up around 7 and didn't want to wake the other girls so I decide to go on my phone. I was contemplating on texting harry or not. wow that's a weird thought. 'should I text harry or not?' like not a lot of people get to say that or think it. its all just weird to me. why would he even want my number? whatever I want to text him.

me: hey(: I cant wait for today.

within two minutes harry responds.

harry: me 2;) got to go get ready for later I may want to take you some where else too. cant wait to see your gorgeous face(;

um what. is he messing with me? I cant tell but I'm just going to play his little game if it is.

me: okay! bye handsome(;

I was in total shock but I gad to go get ready to so I went in Katie's kitchen and started to make breakfast for the girls. I decide on pancakes cause they are easy. it takes about 30 minutes to make two batches cause I like to perfect my pancakes. I'm a really good baker by the way!

The girls wake up as I'm finishing the last pancake.

"Rachel what did I tell you about baking in my own house?" Katie asks.

"I'm sorry I got up early and had nothing to do!" I giggle

They all chuckle at me. We all grab are pancakes and sit down on the couch and floor where we were previously sleeping.

"Sooooooo Rachelllllll did he text you?!" Malissa asks

"RACHEL DID HE?!?!" Lauren beams.

"Yes guys he did! and Rina was right there with me last night." I say. "We are meeting up at Starbucks at 11. that's why I'm up so early. I'm scared." I ramble.

they all stare at me wide eyed with jaws hanging open except Rina who just smirked.

"Dude get of your lazy butt now!! we are doing your hair and makeup!" Hailey demands. we all stand up and walk to Katie's ginormous bedroom. Lauren gets the curling iron and plugs it in and Rina gets out her makeup and lays everything out and Malissa, Bella, Katie, and Hailey all go in the closet and look for something for me to wear.

After about 2 hours my hair and makeup are finally done! my hair is spiraled into perfect curls an my makeup is natural but beautiful. I just don't have an outfit.

"Guys what am I going to wear?" I looked at the four girls who were in the closet for 2 hours. They all looked at each other and grinned ear to ear.

"You are wearing this!" Bella told me.

It was a simple strapless white dress with a brown leather belt just below the chest area. it lands just above the knee and fits just right. and with it to wear blackish-brown combat boots with a jean jacket slightly faded. it was actually really cute. they shoved me into the closet and had me put it on.

Once it was on and without ruining my hair it was already 10:30. I walked out and they looked at me in awe.

"Rachel you look so hot."

"like a model."

"more like a goddess."

"can I be you?"

"seriously can you not?"

"id date you if i were a guy." They all beamed, but everyone started laughing hysterically at Rina's remark at the end.

"Thank you guys. and thank you for helping me get ready. I love you all!"

"We love you too!" they all said in unison. they all looked at each other and exchanged strange looks.

"Well I got to go. ill text you guys later in a group chat. byeeee!!" I waved and headed down stairs for the door.


after the 5 minute drive down to Starbucks I got out of my car and became really, really nervous. My hands started shaking and my heart started pounding faster. I walked inside and saw harry. he didn't see me yet so I decide to check him out. he had an amazing body figure for a guy and his curls were kind of now flipped up and his hands were large and wrapped around each other.  oh how you wished you could wrap your hands around his curls and entwine them in yours. As you trail your eyes back to his face you see him start to turn his head to see if you were here. You quickly snap your head up to the menu to pretend you didn't see him. As your trying your hardest not to look over there you can feel his eyes staring at you. you decide to finally look up and pretend to see if he was here. you look in his direction and catch him looking at you. you smile and wave and he just smiles from ear to ear showing his adorable dimples and gets up and walks over to you.

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey handsome"

"What do you want?"

"No you're not paying for me."

"I'm the guy. I pay."

"fine." I only say this because I know I will mot win and I don't want to wait forever.

he smirks and says "what do you want?"

"Chai Crème Frappuccino light."

he smiles at me and says I get the same thing. I just blush and look at the floor. as we approach the cashier he tells the lady what we want and pays. we get our drinks and walk out.

"so what do you want to do?" I ask

"come with me." he smirks at me and winks and drags me by the hand to the nearest big grass area.

Oh what does he have in mind.


okay guys thank you for the 72 reads!!!! literally i am so happy thank you so much! please tell all your friends to tell their friends and so on about this fan fic! i love you all so much<3

please vote and comment! byyyyeeeee :*

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